AOA calibration - D10A


New Member
Jun 23, 2006
I couldn't find anything specific to my problem by searching so I'm going to start another thread. I can't get my AOA to respond. I have calibrated it per the procedure several times, stalling numerous times and waiting for the 45 seconds to time out before doing another stall. After pressing FINISH, the AOA ribbon is showing all the red, yellow and green bars and it doesn't move when the plane approaches and stalls. During he calibration the bars where all there and didn't move either. I have verified the AOA line is clear and is connected to the correct AOA port. I'm using the Dynon pitot. What is baffling is that it used to work with this pitot. I sent the unit back for an error in altitude readout earlier this year and now I can't get the AOA to work. Has anyone else had this problem and what did you do about it? Dynon Tech Support: I called you yesterday (7/22/08), performed all the checks you recommended and it still wouldn't calibrate this morning. HELP. I want my AOA back!!


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
If you're not seeing movement on the bar during the calibration portion, we might be looking at something being up with the unit. However, AOA is something we test on the way out of here.

If we spoke, we probably told you to go into AOA calibration mode, press directly on the pitot port on the back of with finger, and then press on the AOA simultaneously. This should produce some bar movement. Does it?


New Member
Jun 23, 2006
Yes, I got movement when holding my finger over the pitot, then another over the AOA while in calibration mode.  Convinced that the Dynon was OK, I started removing the AOA line from the Dynon back and found a leak.  I had checked earlier for obstructions but missed the leak.  All should be well now.  I'll test and recalibrate as soon as I save up some more gas money.  Thanks for your help.  


New Member
Jun 23, 2006
I just took my Searey up and calibrated the AOA. It is working fine. There is one nagging characteristic though. The green bars never go completely to the bottom of the scale. They vary between 1/2 and 2/3 of the green bars showing. It was doing that before you guys fixed the Altitude problem. Is there something in the way I'm flying the calibration that is making this happen? The scale is dead on, moving into the red just as the wing stalls.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Try calibrating with lesser, or even no, pitch oscillations during the initial part of the cal routine. You want to show it a slightly higher lowest AOA, which is what you demo to the unit as you pitch over during the fast cruise + oscillations part of the procedure.


New Member
Jun 21, 2008
I am also having a difficult time calibrating the AOA. It is installed in an RV-9. Are there calibrating techniques for RVs that don't work with the procedures in the manual? Thx. RC