ap 74 not working correctly


I love flying!
Feb 6, 2012
I have problems with my autopilot ap 74 fitted on a light sport a/c skyleader 200 .. autopilot is connected with dynon 100 and GPS avmap ekpIV ..

the problems are :

1. impossible to follow a precise track . AP is always correcting the route with large degrees 10 / 15 both left and right (but mainly right !!)

2. while following a route on NAV mode the track followed by the autopilot is always on the right of what shown on the gps map .. and the problem 1. above is always present as well ..

BUT on top of that sometime autopilot completely loose the track starting a RIGHT (always right!!) large slow turn without being able to recover the track (and of course the waypoint) any more ..
while doing this the autopilot does NOT disconnect !!

altitude is always working perfectly..

I believe setting parameters on dynon are correct ..
tork : 90%
sens : 22
turn rate : 2.2/'
bank : 45°

and in any case not even changing those parameters the problem (s) disappear ..

thank you for attention


I love flying!
Nov 25, 2011
Servo Calibration and Test

My Ap74 is fitted to an Rv12. I am trying to set up my Autopilot to get the test flying done. Currently the D180 is at version 5.2.0 and I have decided to not upgrade yet until I understand the basics.
MY problem is that when I get to the Servo Calibration I do not get any instructions. Also I notice that when I first switch on the system the AP74 panel lights up and immediately the lights go out.
The DSAB has been configured and the AP74 shows as Active.
I must be doing/or not doing something stupidly simple!! Any ideas


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
So it's not clear exactly what you're seeing there (a more descriptive report of what the D180 displays and what buttons are available in servo calibration may help), but a few thoughts here:

If your disconnect switch is wire is permanently grounded, that will cause issues getting through the calibration and testing process.
If your servos are not on the DSAB network (are they in SETUP>DSAB>STATUS?), then you won't be able to calibrate at all.
Also, your servos do need to be powered. Ie, if there's an AP switch or breaker, it needs to be closed.

Beyond that, if none of those things are the issues, give our tech support team a call at 425-402-0433 or an email at support at dynonavionics dot com. Also, sending them a picture of the D180 screen from your phone at the spot where it's not behaving like you expect it to would go a long way.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
If the AP74 is configured and talking on the network, it is normal for the lights to all come on at power up and then go out when everything starts talking.

5.2 is several revs behind. I would update first!


I love flying!
Nov 25, 2011
Thank you for your support on the RV12.
In another attempt to get my AP74 operational I have been out to the hangar just now and taken the following notes:
Using EFIS> DSAB>Status it shows 4 devices inc AP74 (shows active) , Scrolling to SV32 it reads" Can provide Roll Servo, Pitch Servo, Status Active. Then going to CONFIGURE> CONFIGURE NOW> Nothing happens when pressing disconnect button(s).
Also using EFIS>MORE> SETUP> AP> Roll servo NOT installed message comes up, same for Pitch Servo, but shows AP74 Installed.
Then using Servo CALIBRATION> Centre joystick etc. but pressing Disconnect button(s) does nothing. Same by using the route through SERVO TEST!
In an attempt to gather as much info as possible I collected the info relating to switching things On & Off on the RV12 switch panel.
With Master switchON, Avionics OFF, Nav and Strobe OFF and AUTO PILOT switch ON the AP74 panel is fully lit up and Disconnect button is NOT lit, pressing the disconnect button does not put out/turn off the AP 74 lights. However if the NAV/STROBE switch is turned on the Disconnect button Lights UP.
I wonder if this gives some clues as to why the Servos are " Not Installed" because they are there and wired up??


I love flying!
Feb 6, 2012

I had posted few days ago the message reported here below .. may be it has not been read ..
it would be great to have your opinion and suggestion ..

I have problems with my autopilot ap 74 fitted on a light sport a/c skyleader 200 .. autopilot is connected with dynon 100 and GPS avmap ekpIV ..

the problems are :

1. impossible to follow a precise track . AP is always correcting the route with large degrees 10 / 15 both left and right (but mainly right !!)

2. while following a route on NAV mode the track followed by the autopilot is always on the right of what shown on the gps map .. and the problem 1. above is always present as well ..

BUT on top of that sometime autopilot completely loose the track starting a RIGHT (always right!!) large slow turn without being able to recover the track (and of course the waypoint) any more ..
while doing this the autopilot does NOT disconnect !!

altitude is always working perfectly..

I believe setting parameters on dynon are correct ..
tork : 90%
sens : 22
turn rate : 2.2/'
bank : 45°

and in any case not even changing those parameters the problem (s) disappear ..

thank you for attention


I love flying!
Nov 25, 2011
Continuing the thread on my RV12 I have successfully upgraded the software on the Dynon from 5.2.0 to 5.4.3.
Unfortunately this has made no difference as my problem remains. When I then tried to Configure and calibrate the servos the same message appeared, "Not Installed".
What should be the next stage in this challenge, as the servo is of course installed???


I love flying!
Nov 25, 2011
Since writing the email below I have been to the hangar this morning and checked out the Disconnect button supplied with the RV12 kit
From the circuit diagram it reads as if it is a double pole switch which makes two separate circuits when activated.
When the wires were disconnected from the switch I checked for continuity between poles when. In its normal state there was NO continuity between any of the terminals, which is what I would expect. However with the button pressed/activated ONLY ONE pair of wires would connect. For clarity, with a ohmmeter connected to wire/ pole 1 the remaining three (2,3 &4)wires were checked for continuity, this was repeated between wire 2 and wires 3 & 4 and finally between wires 3 & 4. ie checking every combination
Only one of these checks showed continuity.
Surely it should be making two circuits??
Could this be the source of my problem?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Richard - So first off, it sounds like your disconnect switch isn't registering at the EFIS. I'm not sure how the RV12 has it wired, but look on page 8-3 of our latest installation manual. Basically, pressing that disconnect switch should ground out both of the disconnect wires from both servos. Also, it's not clear whether you're seeing two servo serial numbers in the DSAB status. That will tell us whether or not the system even sees the servo. Whether it recognizes one as "installed" or not doesn't happen until AFTER a successful calibration. Ie, first, make sure that the DSAB status is seeing two serial numbers. Then, make sure that both servos' disconnect wires are being grounded out by the disconnect switch. Then, you should be able to get through the AP calibration.

erregi - Sorry about missing your original post. There's a lot going on there, but let's start by having you try the alternate roll control mode. To do this, turn the turn rate down to 0, and turn bank angle down to 25 degrees. This sets up the autopilot to use a different set of contol algorithms that many have found produces less overshoots in many circumstances. Beyond that, you do have quite a few things going on here, so we'd love to have you get in touch with our support staff directly to work through your issues. Give them a call at 425-402-0433 or an email at support at dynonavionics dot com.


I love flying!
Nov 25, 2011
Re: ap 74 now working correctly

Guys, Thank you for your support.
Pleased to be able to report that my AP is now operational. The reason was that the two black wires to the Disconnect button were transposed.
This is not an excuse but, the Vans disconnect switch has four wires, white, red and two black!! Wonder why two black??


I love flying!
Feb 6, 2012
this is special message for dynon technical support ..
from erregi
thankyou for your message ..
I have tried the suggested settings and the ap 74 is now working like a liner !!!
many thanks !!


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
richardsmi... Thanks for the report. That helps if we receive similar questions from other RV-12 builders.

erregi.... Thank you for the report. That is good news.