AP bug list...need answers


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Since Dynon is such an upfront and customer service driven company that loves to keep their customers informed, what is the status of the following in regards to the AP?

Flying a GPS course without dropping out every few minutes and giving an error requiring a reset of the AP?

Improving the Alt hold and change function performance in anything but smooth air?

Have you figured out yet why even though your SV32 servo has more torque than the TT servo for the same aircraft, your servo slips excessively and in some cases you have recommended moving up to the larger and heavier SV42 model?

How many additional controls/parameters do you plan to give the end customer in order for them to fine tune and tweak your AP's performance to a particular aircraft?

How many employees of Dynon are actively working on the AP development/bug fixes full time?

When is the next firmware release scheduled for improving the AP?

Are you still actively beta testing improvements to the AP?


New Member
Apr 9, 2005
I don't see any response and don't expect one, no point in going forward with this dialog, MY BAD!


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
This is where we are on the autopilot.

Dynon is totally committed to the autopilot, since it is a big part of both the current D10/D100 Series and SkyView.  We haven't been able to move as quickly on the current software release (5.2) as we wish, but we will deliver it.  And we will continue to release software for the D10/D100 Series after that, with much of the changes focused on the autopilot. For many existing and future customers the D10/D100 Series is a better match to their requirements than SkyView, and we will continue to support all of our products. I hope our track record has given you reason to believe in the company despite the autopilot not being perfect for everyone right out the door.

One lesson learned is that we need to be very cautious in discussing future plans.  (We feel a little squeezed, since the number one question we are asked is "what new features and products are you coming out with, and when?")  But with that in mind, these are the autopilots tasks we are working on:

* General autopilot performance.  This is aircraft specific, and the Dynon autopilot works quite well on most aircraft.  Some not so well. Based on our research this would be a pretty accurate statement for all AP's on the market, but we are working to improve the Dynon performance on all aircraft.  For anyone who has an autopilot performance problem, we try to work with them, obtain data, and see if we can improve it.  We are working actively with owners and OEMs to optimize performance.   Frankly, our performance and feature set is often being compared to A/Ps that cost $6000, $9000 or more. We are flattered, and fully intend to work better than other autopilots even in those higher price ranges.

* There is an intermittent dropping of GPS. We do not yet have a firm handle on why, and so do not yet have a firm date for a fix.

* Does the Dynon autopilot require higher-torque servos?   We are sometimes being compared to autopilot models that only do Altitude Hold, which obviously requires less torque than Altitude Capture and vertical speed changes.  And in some cases we are compared to competitive installations that require a torque enhancer. It should be noted that the Dynon autopilot actually indicates servo slips graphically on the screen while TT doesn't show you at all, and in fact cannot show you given the design of their servos.  So it's not surprising that people may never know or care that a TT servo is slipping in the same situation as the Dynon autopilot.

* Will the Dynon autopilot be improved with more customer settings? That is still being worked on. So until we know for sure, we cannot answer.  We have tried to keep settings to a minimum by designing them out of the system.  Where we find it's better to give the user an adjustment, we will.  We did learn early on that even a little slop in the servo   ;), linkages, and cables can cause major performance differences, so more adjustments may be necessary.  

* Dynon has a full-time autopilot expert, and he along with all of our development staff are working hard on both improving the autopilot and integrating it into SkyView.  He is working with existing customers and installations to improve their autopilot performance, as well as designing new features. We have both customers and OEM engineers who we are working with to optimize performance. And when an existing customer has a problem, we request that they log their system data so that we can analyze their performance and help improve performance.

With all that said, we feel it is most helpful to respond to specific aircraft performance issues rather than answer generic questions.  We ask, and hope, that anyone with an autopilot performance question get in touch with us directly.  We actively analyze data from any customer who reports a problem and incorporate what we learn into our improvement program.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia

Postings being changed?

I swear I saw in a detailed reply some mention of the VNAV still being on the agenda once the development is done for the Skyview series.

I saw it with my own eyes :eek: and I received a phone call from Horsham Aviation this morning confirming what I saw here, along with a rough idea on when this may come to product release. I won'y say any more on that :-X but its fair to say the news was promising.

now it seems that section of comment has been pulled..... or maybe I can not find it again.

Would you care to point me in the right direction.


DB :)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I believe we've only ever deleted 2 posts on this forum over the last 4 years (not counting spam), and they were a long time ago.

If we said something a while ago, we meant it then. But do keep in mind that plans change over time, and keep an eye on the date of posts before you treat every word we ever post here as canon forever. We really don't have the time to revise history here. There's too much future to invent ;)

When we edit, it's usually to fix typos or clarify, or to add to a response that someone else posted (collectively about 4 people post)

Anyway, we haven't deleted or changed anything as far as I know. We've always said the AP76 is still on the table and VNAV is part of the AP76. The AP76 is still on the table once we have the advanced stuff in SkyView and we can move the code over. So I'm truly not sure what statement you are looking for that is different than that.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
No problems, I understand multiple folk table replies, this was yesterday.....or whcih ever day it is for you at the moment, the day before ;)

I am sure something was edited.

But yes your last comment is in line with what I saw....... maybe someone edited it after they realised they were not quite at liberty to print it. :-X



New Member
Jul 27, 2007
If a post has been edited, it will SAY "Last edited..." I don't think even the mods can change that unless they start writing SQL to the back end database to fudge it.

You may have been referring to a related post on another popular (cough*RV*cough) forum. I'll bet it is still there...



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
I don't see any response and don't expect one, no point in going forward with this dialog, the word is getting out , now they are not even responding and that is a bigger concern for everyone..  
Wow. You waited a whole two hours before giving up all hope. If you know of other vendors who consistently respond to forum posts within two hours, maybe you could make the rest of us aware of them. I've never heard of any.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
If a post has been edited, it will SAY "Last edited..."  I don't think even the mods can change that unless they start writing SQL to the back end database to fudge it.
Depends on the forum software. I can't speak for YaBB, but that notation can easily be removed in vBulletin forum software.


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
I don't see any response and don't expect one, no point in going forward with this dialog, the word is getting out , now they are not even responding and that is a bigger concern for everyone..  
Wow. You waited a whole two hours before giving up all hope. If you know of other vendors who consistently respond to forum posts within two hours, maybe you could make the rest of us aware of them. I've never heard of any.

LOL - I almost posted something similar. Someone is having a teensy patience issue...



New Member
Jul 27, 2007
If a post has been edited, it will SAY "Last edited..."  I don't think even the mods can change that unless they start writing SQL to the back end database to fudge it.
Depends on the forum software. I can't speak for YaBB, but that notation can easily be removed in vBulletin forum software.

My point was it would take an intentionally nefarious act to change the default forum behavior, and that was in response to a rather unpleasant, and probably baseless, accusation...


New Member
Apr 9, 2005
LOL - I almost posted something similar. Someone is having a teensy patience issue...

Nav bug is not fixed , three months is not teensy..
5.2 weeks not months , dynon posted on Oct 8th


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
LOL - I almost posted something similar.  Someone is having a teensy patience issue...

Nav bug is not fixed , three months is not teensy..
5.2 weeks not months , dynon posted on Oct 8th

You bought an EXPERIMENTAL AP. The vendor is working on it and open about the issue. Grow up. Have a nice life!   :-*


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
5.2 is in beta right now. If you'd like to try it out, please contact us at support at dynonavionics.com and we can get it to you. Reports are good so far.