My Wife & I both fly, We will set up PFD & MFD & most other items for flight from both sides. Can we set up the Auto Pilot Quick Disconect onto both Ray Allen syicks?
Dynon Support will be along to answer shortly but the quick answer is yes, the autopilot disconnect can be on both sticks. I believe it is a simple SPST switch which is usually installed as a momentary action normally open (ON)- OFF. As such, either switch closing the circuit would disconnect the autopilot.
You just have to ground the yellow wire on the servo to disengage. Same concept as PTT and same type of switch so any momentary switch on the stick will work and any number of switches can be used. If two are pressed they are just grounding the circuit so it does the same function. The switch also activates CWS (Control Wheel Steering). See page 8-13 and 8-14 of the 2.6 User Guide.