AP76 delivery


New Member
Jul 30, 2006
I have a Dynon EFIS D100, EMS D120, HS-34, Garmin SL-30 and 496 GPS and the Garmon 327 Xponder

I am close to finishing and am intending to put pair of servos and an AP74 before first flight.

I will purchase a AP-76 as soon as Dynon is ready to ship

Larry Whitlow
601 XL


New Member
Sep 30, 2008
Going to lob in a call to Nick probably tomorrow morning (today for most of you)......... so how many of you are actually wanting to buy the AP76?
DB :)

I have been planning my IFR panel around the AP76, but might abandon this plan because of the announcement. I did buy my roll servo (rv-7a) already and wish I hadn't done that yet.

A related question: when will the new nextgen panels be released? I'm going to put my panel together in the next 6 months. I'm willing to wait for that release if it's not going to take too long. Else I'll be running off to the competition I fear :-(



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We haven't announced firm dates for the next gen products yet (and honestly don't know them, as we're working through our schedule now). It's definitely late this year at the earliest though, and probably not within the next 6 months.

If the recent AP76 announcement has made your change your mind about using our products, give us a call and as for Robert, our sales and marketing manager. He'd like to talk.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
I think that when the next gen panels are released and the workload settles the "Advanced Auto Pilot" demand will have the project on the boil again.

I can not promise anything either, but having had some conversations with folk at Dynon and reading between the lines, and knowing the number of folk I have spoken to about it, it would be a very very slim chance indeed it will not be developed fully.

I could be wrong.......... and I really hope not! ;)


New Member
Jul 3, 2006
capstan servo delivery

I am interested in the capstan servos for the GLastar.  Any news on availability and , any problems they are still trying to iron out with the autopilot setup for the glastar/sportsman?   Thanks.  Michael.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The capstans are just about ready for sale - probably a few more weeks before we have them available for sale.

The AP flies the Glastar Sportsman 2+2, though we're working with our beta tester to hone a few things he'd like to see better. Marc, fee free to chime in here if you'd like to.
Mar 23, 2005
Oh well, I was lurking for replacing my TrueTrak AP in my Glastar with a more capable and flexible system, but for that reason I want to have vertical steering and coupling and that seems just only be possible with the AP76 which is on hold.... As an upgrade to the new Generation is just now not on the table and will not be available anyway for a longer time I have two options:

-wait for the AP76 (that means at least 'til end of 2009
-upgrade my TT for a higher $$ model (and yes I get reinbursed for my current HW too.

Option 2 would have me ready in a short time with less flexibility but no higher $$ value (except with option 1 I could sell my old TT). Option 1 is very uncertain and not in this year probably? I guess I have to call Dynon to see what they can propose for that.

Werner (started with a D10 in 2003)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Werner, I got your voicemail and tried emailing you but the email bounced over the weekend. It was a little hard to understand on the voice message so please email support@dynonavionics.com and put "Attn: Nick". Thanks,



New Member
Mar 25, 2008
A few comments:
We're frankly surprised by people's concern that DSAB is not cross-compatible . The only real data sources that exist today on DSAB are an EFIS or an EMS. You'll be able to trade in your current EFIS or EMS and get a new EFIS or EMS module for less than the trade in value. --Ian
Some of the concern would be what would we do with the HS34 and AP74. It isn't clear that wheit value would trade in with the D-100.
It appears that the fubctionality of these two units are intigrated into the nex-gen?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It appears that the fubctionality of these two units are intigrated into the nex-gen?

Yes, these features and functions, with the exception of the ARINC input capability of the HS34 (this will be addressed with a separate ARINC converter for the next gen system), will be built into the next generation screens. We haven't yet decided on a policy for trade-in of expansion modules at this time, and remember that all information released so far about our thinking on trade-in policies towards next gen products should be considered preliminary.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
it is time to stir the pot once again.........

This was spotted on another thread

Re: Next Generation ETA?
Reply #1 - May 1st, 2009, 1:50am Quote Quote
In all likelihood we won't make this year. "

Now we all know thats not unreasonable to expect........ but........ how about an AP76.

Will have a good BETA test platform for it any day now! ;)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We still don't have anything specific to announce regarding the AP76, but, we're still planning on it, and the "advanced autopilot" features and functionality are about to start spinning up in R&D land. Thanks for your continued patience.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
and the "advanced autopilot" features and functionality are about to start spinning up in R&D land.

Well I know which staff member is about to lose a lot of hair then :-?

Best of Luck LD, no doubt I will be hearing from you soon!


I love flying!
Oct 1, 2012
I just installed the AP Servos and am running them from the D10-A menus. I am considering installing the AP74. However, the few features that the AP76 has over the 74, would be in no way worth over an additional $1000 to me.

Regarding support for existing products, I find that Dynon is second to none. However they are not providing some needed upgrades to the old units that only communicate via serial ports, which are no longer supported on any computer you buy today.

The one thing that I wish Dynon would do, is to provide an upgrade to the communication mode of any product currently depending on a Serial Port. USB, would seem like a likely candidate.

Thank you Dynon and stay healthy.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
So the routine way of updating/communicating to the D10/D100 series these days is to use a USB-to-Serial adapter, which then gets you a serial port to use with the products from any PC. We sell one for $20 that works fine, and most that you can find at your big box electronics stores work well too.

Unfortunately, the internal hardware of that product line doesn't natively support USB, and the cost to re-engineer just that part of the system is prohibitive. Then you end up saying "well, that's really a new product line, well, isn't it"?

And so basically, the D10/D100 series products will live on in their current form until they sunset someday, and we'll keep inventing new stuff for the price points and form factors that we think there is a business case for.

It's all trade-offs, and we try really hard to find the right balance.

(This isn't ANY sort of announcement or even hint about discontinuing any product, or any hint about what we have in the hopper. It's just a general thought about how we approach product developement)


Hang on! I've got an idea!
Nov 29, 2015
ahhhh but the AP76 is when?
;)    :D

Was the AP76 ever officially 'killed off'?

It was the 3D / VNav version of the 2D AP74, wasn't it?