You'll get a lot of trumps with an attitude like that. They were reasonable questions. Knowing the circumstances and limitations builders/pilots face helps to answer their questions. It can also help those in the future who may be faced with similar circumstances. But hey, it's your dime.
I appreciate that but, in this case, I'm not looking to rationalize my thought process, followed by the resultant, "you should do it this way" type comments. I can change course all on my own once I have the data I seek. So yes, in some cases, I would prefer a non-response. Not an attitude, just a request for help from anyone who has been down this road or understands the ARINC protocol coming out of the Dynon or expected at the TruTrak.
It's a big leap from my question of, "By adding a second ARINC 429 Module, could one use the HDX to drive a TruTrak autopilot directly?" to, "get rid of the TT and just have the HDX drive the servos directly". The response doesn't do anything for me; it only self-aggrandizes the poster, and while this is the internet and that's come to be expected, I don't care to play 20 questions toward that endeavor, with the obligatory belittlement along the way. Sorry to be so honest, but you seem to want to drill down on this.
As far as not getting responses - I will always answer a post if I can contribute. I hope others will do the same for me.