Audio messages


I love flying!
Dec 16, 2013
Just completed my installation and flew a trip last week and love the system! At the time of installation I thought I'd try the system without the audio hooked up . I had time today and picked up the Radio Shack variable resistor and installed it. I'm using a D10a and the AP74 controller for the autopilot. I used the audio output line from the AP74 to send audio to my KMA 24 audio panel. The test mode using the D10a menu works good thru the headsets....haven't flown it yet due to weather's my question...what alerts will I hear other than "autopilot disconnect" using the AP74 audio output only? Looks like you can parallel the audio out with the D10 ,which I did not do. Hoping to get altitude alerts and climb/descent tones with it wired to the AP74 audio out only. Thanks.


I love flying!
Dec 16, 2013
Thanks for the info...flew the aircraft and now have an intermittent "hum" in the headset(s). I read a post about removing the ground from the variable resistor,tried that with no luck. I tried isolating radios and every other electrical accessory with no luck there either. Cycling the avionics master switch stops the humming for a while. Today's flight was 40 minutes with the " hum" starting 30 minutes into the flight. I don't have the AP74 and the EFIS outputs in parallel ...not yet. Would this help? I'm also using the input on a KMA 24 audio panel. I also have a PM 1000 intercom as an option using its audio in......any ideas guys?


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
I can't say we've heard of that before - the fact that it's intermittent makes me wonder if you have some connection that's intermittent. Do you get audio alerts when it's both humming and not?


I love flying!
Dec 16, 2013
Yep...alerts when hums...just a bit harder to hear. Today I removed the rheostat,connected the AP 74 and the D10a's outputs together and went in thru the DME input on the KMA24...the hum is about half as loud as it was before. The voice tone is fine without the rheostat inline. This opition allows me to turn it off ,if it gets loud again by simply turning off the DME switch on the panel. I wasn't using a DME anyway. Going to try the dimming function on the D10a next....but for now it's not bad.