Automatic clear data log after saving


Apr 6, 2011
I download data after every flight to the removable USB drive. It would be really convenient to a display button that offered to clear the internal data after saving. This action would save wear and tear on the various button and knob actuations needed to go to the system setup menu to clear the data manually.


Jan 9, 2020
Whitstable, Kent UK
I do exactly the same. It's frustrating having to navigate to a completely different part of the menu system to clear the data. I have requested that this be added to 'Save data screen' through Don Jones on 30th July 2022 and he said he would pass it on to 'engineering'.

I attended Oshkosh this year and raised it again there. I was directed to an expert in this area dressed in a hat, sunglasses and mask. I spoke to him for 10 minutes or more, I pointed out the issue and requested that a change to the menu system be considered along with some other ideas but I might as well have been speaking to myself. No facial reaction (couldn't see any of his face anyway), no body language, no comment, no recording of the issue and suggested solution. At the end of the (one way conversation) he said I hear what you say, having not recorded a single thought or comment. As this was the first time I had been able to engage face to 'face' with Dynon (they never come to the UK) I found the whole experience very frustrating and walked away disillusioned. The friend who was with me said "well that answers my question, I'll put Garmin in my Sling 4 TSI".

As I walked away the rep from Advanced systems (on the adjacent stand) said I overhead what you suggested, all great ideas and we have all those features already embedded in our screens! It's supposed to be the same company. Where is the transfer of best practice?

Just before I spoke to the 'masked man' I spoke to another Dynon rep. I asked when 'Flight Plan Altitudes' would be added as it was being worked on in 2019 . The guy shouted over to another on the stand who shouted back "it will be included in the release coming in v16.5.2 next week' (3rd Aug). I was really happy to hear that but someone that overheard his comment said 'no it's not, we ditched that ages ago'. Left and right hands came to mind so I asked to speak to the boss and was told he's not available because he's in a meeting. I wonder if he knows how it's going at 'grass roots' level??


0x44 0x59 0x4e 0x4f 0x4e
Staff member
Dec 4, 2016
Thanks for this input. Engineering has added this feature to our list of customer requests.

Keep an eye on our software page for announcements about new features that we release.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
Maybe it's just me, but...seriously? THIS is such a big deal?



Aug 28, 2019
I echo this request... not a big deal, but it makes total sense. I DL after every flight, and always delete the logs to keep clutter and fragmentation of the SSD in the display to a minimum.


New Member
Apr 11, 2010
I was at oshkosh too and can also say how fragmented the Dynon team are - the Advanced Systems team were so much more turned on and helpful. Come on Dynon give us some indications that you are serious. Garmin are biting at your heals and you seem to be totally unaware……….


Jul 22, 2019
Thank you for the suggestion and I hope that Dynon delivers. After 5 years and almost 800 flights, my hdx1100 buttons 7 and 8 are becoming more challenging to register, even hard presses, the required time to get to the Clear Log submenu. I clear logs before the start of a flight and only after I have confirmed the USB files were readable. I would welcome the clear log after download option as well as the flight plan altitude options.


Mar 19, 2021
Florida & Georgia
the Advanced Systems team were so much more turned on and helpful
Had to smile about that after a career in the advanced systems side of a DoD contractor. We were always enthused about the newest clever thing we could do for our customers, and frustrated by how antique the product lines were. Then I managed people working over there and realized they're 120% consumed with improving stability and squashing customer-discovered bugs that won't stay squashed. Like the WiFi issue Dynon's been chasing for at least a couple of years--clearly that's more complex than deleting the code after "//randomly disable wifi:" :). When you have thousands of systems, some old and some new, installed in dozens of configurations, and thousands of customers using them in different ways, it's staggering how many problems appear.