I have a problem with my advanced autopilot on ILS approaches. Bringing up the ILS in the 430, the HSI shows proper green data, and localizer and glideslope indications are right on. Today I was on a 30 degree course to intercept from the right, turned on HSI and VNAV and AP. The autopilot tried to steer us more to the right, and it appeared that it would keep on turning. Punched off AP and hand flew, watching the command bars, they were commanding a climb when I was above the glideslope. I'm pretty sure I had it set up properly but need to know; if there ARE perfect indications on the HSI, is it possible for the AP to do what I have described? Or is it driven solely from the HSI data? I tried this before on the way to OSH and saw the same issue. Both times VFR, and wont try IFR until I have lots of confidence! FYI GPS approaches work fine with AP, it's just the ILS.