Battery test


Sep 6, 2008
''So, I entered the test page by powering down, then hitting the test battery button''

Well I did exactly that and I never saw any Batterry test button on my Skyview....Where is the button hidden???

I've looked at the Set Up page and I get the Battery test required thing but then that's it..

Something I'm missing here??




Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
Right button. There are three button options on Skyview when you turn the master switch off and the 30 second countdown timer is active. Stay on, shut down and battery test.


Mar 31, 2011
I loaded v6.0 and saw the '!' by the clock. Looked it up in the manual and performed the battery test (single battery).

All done and dusted 45 minutes later. No major drama, it seemed quite straight forward to me. :)


I loaded v6.0 and saw the '!' by the clock. Looked it up in the manual and performed the battery test (single battery).

All done and dusted 45 minutes later. No major drama, it seemed quite straight forward to me.  :)

Same experience - no problems (two batteries).


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
So is an update coming?

The message about the battery not fully charged is 2/3 down the screen and not readily visible.

1. Why is the need for a battery test a forced warning? A back up battery is not required so why is the test required?

2. Why is the battery test button even visible when the battery voltage is too low to start the test? Sometimes this very smart system acts very stupid.

Please take it off the warnings screen. Think about it. We all loaded 6.0 and played with the new features. Our warning list showed the test so we started it. Some owners missed the battery not charged message. Some like me gave up and just went flying with the annoying message at the clock.

It's always hard to predict how people will use and understand features until they're out there in the field. Sorry that we missed your expectations here. We're still gathering feedback before we decide whether to do an update here. There IS, I believe, a way to manually defeat the test (to lie to the system to think it was done), but I'll need to check into that.

1) If you have a battery, how do you know it's ready to do its job? We have ample evidence that many people don't test the capacity of the battery periodically, so we were trying to develop a tool that helped encourage that. Maybe it's a bit overbearing.

2) 6 of one / half dozen of the other here: If the button wasn't there at all, you'd be be asking why it wasn't available on your system even though you have a battery, and that desgined-in behavior would be a bit harder to turn into a diagnosis.

Anyway, thanks for your perspective on this. We'll be thinking more about this feature.


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
The battery test button is a good reminder on the shutdown screen and I can see the logic of making sure SV is not power externally for the test, but it's not a convenient time to be doing a battery test every time I shut down. It's an annual thing so I don't need to be reminded every time I fly. I'd just as soon see the test button on the battery backup status page. I'll find it when I do my annual or the "needs test" warning comes up.

Otherwise great job of making the backup battery test easy. :)

From the discussion before 6.0 I expected the battery status to be a gauge that could be put on the engine page. But now that it's here, like the battery button on the shutdown page, having it on the engine page would be just information I don't really need. However it would be nice to have a warning that the backup battery is low when I power up. It could be a safety thing that needs to be remedied or just part of the decision process before I fly. Again, my decision and the warning would disappear once the engine was started and the backup battery was charging.


Sep 6, 2008
Hello MMarien and others

Thanks for the info, I'll have a closer look next time I'm at the hangar..I probably switched the Skyview OFF before I even noticed there was a button in the right corner.. :-[ :-[

Thanks again



Oct 24, 2006
Suisun City, CA
First off the battery ck is a good idea. As most found out like me it was difficult to figure out if we were doing the check correctly. I for one would think that on the Battery pre check there would be a note on what to expect during the check. As it seems now, no countdown clock and the screen would go blank if the check was started with a low Battery. Than would have been nice to know before the check.
I believe that if your going to have a backup battery then it should and must be checked sometime to see if it will power SV when the main power fails. Like a VOR requirement once a month or prior to IFR flight it must be done.
So I think if you move or hide the requirement then most will not do it, then when the time comes and it was needed and fails then you will hear the complaints. 
I think it should be checked every 6 months, But that's me. Maybe have it set so once completed the warning come on once every so often then go away, but keep the Battery check right where it is so we have an option to do a check (now that we now how to do it and what to expect) like if we're planing a trip or as such. Just a thought. ;)


I love flying!
Mar 23, 2012
Overbearing is the correct description of the current bat test situation. I have confidence that this will be improved quickly. Why not use the COLORS available and at least put the "battery must be fully charged" line in yellow?

FYI - I do a battery test by leaving my system on while I do an oil change or some other task in the hangar. LOL - I need a reminder to back up my system after I make changes. :-[


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
Richmond Hill, GA
I think my battery is bad.  I spoke with customer service on the phone recently, and some confusion was cleared up (didn't know the SV screen had to be on to charge the bu batt).  So, charged the battery before leaving on a trip over the holiday weekend.  2.7 hour flight, sat for 2 nights, and 3.5 return.  Before shutting down, I checked the status - charged @ 12.30 volts.  I began the test directly after shutdown.  Oddly enough, when the test countdown began it showed the intial voltage somewhere around 11.70 literally seconds after viewing 12.30 on the status page.  The test failed at 34 minutes.  The battery was purchased a bit over a year ago and installed during a panel upgrade last July; less than 100 flight hours on it.  I'm thinking this battery has/had issues.  Can't imagine it going bad already...?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
A battery that is charging has a much higher voltage than one under load. So changing from 12.30 to 11.70 when you switch from charging the battery to running off of it is fully expected, and in fact is a lower drop than an average battery.

That said, 34 minutes is how long your battery lasted. You ran the test the way it was designed, and that battery only ran your system for 34 minutes. We set our cut-off at 45. The battery isn't just totally worthless, but it has a lot less capacity than a fresh battery does. So if you want to replace that battery, we'd be happy to help you.


Jul 25, 2010
What is the typical voltage you should see from a fully charged backup battery? I'm planning to hook up a 6a dumb charger overnight like mmarion suggested.


Oct 3, 2011
I have been trying to do the battery test, but even with in flight bus voltage of 14.5V, when I turn off the master and press the battery test button I get the message that the battery must be fully charged to perform the test.  My battery is 2 years old and has been installed and in use for 18 months.

Do you think I need a new battery?


Feb 17, 2010
Oneida, TN
I charged the battery last night. I have a Odyssee PC680 and used the charger to keep the main battery charged, Skyview on in order to charge the 320 battery. After 4 hours the Skyview battery page showed "Charged". This morning I followed the procedure described in the Skyview intallation manual to test the battery.
- Turn Master switch on
Skyview comes to life
-Checked all other equipment is off
-Selected the battery 320 status page in skyview
-Showed battery still "Charged"
-Turned off Maste switch
-Red message on the screen indicating power is off
-Choices at the bottom of the screen: Keep on/shut off/ test battery
- Pressed 'Test Battery'
- No changes on the screen. No Battery Screen shown
I have left Skyview on and will return to the hangar later on this morning to check if I get a "Passed test" message.

- Is the Test screen supposed to show up in order to run the test?
- If the Test screen is supposed to show up, please let me know what I may be doing wrong.

I will let you know the results by noon time today. CDT.


Feb 17, 2010
Oneida, TN
I have just downloaded Skyview 6.2 and will update my Skyview system at noon time. This most likely will resolve the previous noted issue.


Feb 17, 2010
Oneida, TN
The battery test I started this AM did not work since the unit never went into the test procedure. The battery discharged to 10.99 v. I have now upgraded to 6.2 and left the battery charging. Will checked after 4 hours and see if the test can be started.