Caution, what caution?


I love flying!
Jul 13, 2014
I've got about 3 hours on my RV- :-?12 now with only a few minor squawks, but one of the problems that's eluding me is the B***h in the box keeps yelling "caution" at me and I can't figure out why.

Here's the routine. Get myself seated and power up the Dynon, avionics and auto pilot and even before I start the engine she says "caution" repeating this about once a second. Nothing shows up in the message area so I have no clue what the caution is for.

Here's the strange part. As I begin my long taxi to the active runway she will decrease the frequency of the caution until once I reach the runway she maybe only says "caution" once every 3-5 seconds. I'll usually get a couple of "cautions" during the first 30 seconds of the departure while I'm airborne and then - she's gone!

Does this on every flight. Everything on the EMS is in the green. All systems functioning normally. What am I missing? Does she just want me to have a "cautious" day? Has she spoken with my doctor? My wife? Is she not telling me everything?



Aug 4, 2011
There is a setting in the EMS to ignore the caution verbal alerts prior to start up and then once they are acknowledged they are only a warning until the situation is cleared.

I believe you go to the system select EMS, startup and you will find it there. I am sure some one with a unit in front of them will be of more help.


I love flying!
Oct 23, 2012
I got constant Caution messages from the time I first started my RV-12 Rotax in April 2013 - they were for ADAHRS Excessive Vibration.  After about 3 months of fooling around with everything from the prop to the engine to the ADAHRS, I figured out the problem was a very flexible crown skin in the area of the ADAHRS attachment brackets.

At last year's Arlington show, I demonstrated it to Steve, from Dynon Tech Support and Joe Blank from Vans.  They agreed I may have put my finger on the problem.

After subsequent coord between Dynon and Vans engineering, Vans designed a stub-frame stiffener that installed forward of the ADAHRS brackets.  They provided me with a Prototype part for testing.

After dozens of flights subsequent to the installation, I have never had the ADAHRS Vibration Caution message again.  I consider the problem as having been solved.

If this is your problem, you may want to order and install the stiffener.  It is available from Vans, P/N F-00062.

Bob Bogash


I love flying!
Jul 13, 2014

Thanks for the insite and I am familiar with the stiffener kit from Vans. The main reason I don't think this is my problem is because the caution starts up before I start the engine and always goes away by the time I reach 500 ft. on T.O.

Someone has suggested that it might have something to do with terrain avoidance and Dynon has suggested I download the flight data which I will do next time I fly.
