I went through the EFIS CALIBRATION AND CONFIGURATION three complete times today, 3 cycles of the compass rose, total of 9 times. Followed section 5 to the letter, but never obtained the same readings twice. The compass is off up to 7* off in south or west, can't nail it down to good numbers....ant ideas?
Dynon D180, 60hrs TT since new everything!
This could be a result of having bad Inclination (MAGINC) and Total Field Intensity Values (MAGINT) in your unit.
Dynon instructions for how to interpret the following web page -
NOAA page for obtaining the raw values -
It's really easy to misinterpret what you're looking at on the latter page, so read the former page very carefully.
If you find that you had incorrect values, you'll have to repeat the compass calibration, hopefully more successfully.
Also, did you use a handheld compass to survey the area where you installed the EDC-D10A to insure that there are no magnetic influences already present where you mounted the EDC-D10A? Including transient magnetic influences, like power wiring for systems that weren't on when you performed the initial calibration?