Connecting D10A to Avmap1000 GPS


New Member
Jul 2, 2007
I have a D10A and an Avmap1000 (Lowrance) GPS in my airplane which I would like to connect together so that the GPS dat can be displayed on the HSI screen. I have the serial TX of the GPS connected to the Serial 1 RX of the D10A. However the GPS data is not displayed on the HSI screen. The Avmap1000's NMEA Output can include the GLL, GGA, APB, RMC, RMB, GSA and GSV sentences, and use baud rates from 1200 to 115200. Can these instruments be connected in this way? What settings should I use?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The Lowrance units will work with the HSI on the D10A, but the current software doesn't support it very well. The course line doesn't show up.

We're releasing new software here very soon, and this should fix all the issues with Lowrance units.

That being said, you should be able to tell if the GPS is hooked up right. When you're on the DG screen, if you bring up the menu, you should have a "NAVSRC" button. Tapping this should alternate between just the standard DG screen and an HSI overlay that is magenta in color. If you're getting the magenta overlay (which won't have the courseline), then the GPS is hooked up right and you just need to wait for the software update. If you aren't getting the magenta, something else is still wrong.


New Member
Jul 2, 2007
Ok, thanks. I didn't see the NAVSRC button, so I'll work on that...

What baud rate should I use?


New Member
Jul 2, 2007
When I connect the D10A to my laptop through a serial-to-USB adapter, I am able to send and receive data - i.e. there is no problem communicating. When I connect the Avmap1000 to the laptop through a serial-to-USB adapter and use Hyperterminal, I can see the GPS data sentences being transmitted. However, when I connect the Avmap1000 serial out directly to the D10A serial in, the D10A does not detect the Avmap1000. Maybe I need a signal conditioning circuit between the GPS and the D10A?

       --------- TX --------- |   |--------- RX --------
GPS                              | ? |                            D10A
       --------- GND -------|    | --------GND--------


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
What baud rate are you operating the Avmap at?

The D10A uses a serial receive circuit that is totally standard, so if your USB converter works to receive, the D10A should too.

Also, are you sure you have the latest software on your D10A? Just because you can see the DG doesn't mean you can do an HSI overlay. The DG was there before the HSI.


New Member
Jul 2, 2007
Sorry - I was not implying that there is any wrong with the D10A or the Avmap1000 - far from it. I was wondering if the serial-to-USB converters are conditioning the signal in some way that enables to laptop to send/receive data with the instruments, but when the units are connected directly the 'conditioning' is not there.
I believe I have the latest software on the D10A. I will check.....


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Note that the AvMap and the D10A need to be on common ground too. So if you are running the AvMap on its own battery power, you'll need to make sure that you run a ground line from the AvMap. (it looks like you've done this already based on your drawing).

Finally, double check that the serial output from the GPS is reaching pin 22 on the EFIS connector.


New Member
Jul 2, 2007
Success! The right connections and the right software does wonders. I had version 2.17; after updating to 2.19 the HSI page shows the GPS data.

I had been checking your update page periodically and noting that the release date of your update software had not changed since October last year, so I thought there were no updates available. Your update page shows:

EFIS-D10A  version 2.19.00 released 10/27/06

Should not the release date change when you create a new version?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Umm, that is the release date of that software. It is the last software we released, and it was October. As far as I can tell, all that info is correct on that page.

I think I might know what happened though- we weren't shipping that software in new units until some date a few months after that because our manuals had not been updated to reflect the changes. So even if you purchased a unit after October, it's possible it was loaded with 2.17 at the factory. There was no public 2.18 version.