D-180 EFIS wiring


New Member
Aug 13, 2007
Canberra, Australia
I am installing a D-180 in a Jabiru 3300 powered aircraft, using Dynon-supplied harnesses. The EFIS harness has a very short wire, white with a black stripe, coming from the DB 25 connector. I have not seen a reference to this in the installation manual, but I suspect it may be an earth connection for the shield in the EDC 10A cable. Is this correct?

I am not sure why this wire is so short. Is it intended to connect somewhere in the case of the D-180? For other ground connections, I am using single point earthing, via an insulated panel earth bus tied back to a single engine bay earth point with 12 AWG wire. If this short white/black wire is a shield connection, is there any reason why I should not just extend it, and connect it to the same panel earth bus?

Thanks in advance

Noel Karppinen


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
From page 4-3 of the D180 Installation Guide:

The metal shield around the EDC communication cable is connected to the short black/white wire emanating from the DB25. Connect this wire to ground.

The wire is as short as it is because it was meant to connect to a common panel ground, close to the harness. However, you can definitely extend it to connect to another ground bus.