D-180 not connecting to computer.


I love flying!
Nov 15, 2011
Ok, here is the issue. I have a Lancair with 2 D-180's (I know, I didn't install it, it was like this when I bought it). Anyway, the computer I'm using is Windows XP, with a radio shack USB to Serial Converter, set per the specifications in the manual:

Baud rate: 115200
Data: 8 bit
Parity: none
Stop: 1 bit
Flow control: none

When I connect the computer to the left seat D-180 (primary), the computer says that the instrument is found on the comm port, however when I try to connect to it, say, when I try to check the firmware version (which is 5.4.0 btw), the computer says "connecting..." for a while, then "attempting to connect to device" or something, and then, after about a minute, it pops up saying that it cannot connect to the device. There is no visible change on the D-180 while this process is happening (i.e. no yellow screen, etc)

My first thought was that it was the computer. Then I tried to connect to the second Dynon (right side - slave, sort of), and it connects just fine, yellow screen and all.

The reason that I was trying to connect to the Dynon is because I need to do some data logging, but when I try to configure it, under the menu for data logging, I have "Error 4". I know that there is a file from Dynon that has to be uploaded to the device, but I wanted to check out my computer connection before I pestered support for that.

Any suggestions?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Dynon's wiring harnesses for EFIS (25-pin, used on EFIS-D10A, EFIS-D100 and the male 25-pin connector on the  FlightDEK-D180) and wiring harnesses for EMS (37-pin, used on EMS-D10, EMS-D120, and the 37-pin connector on the FlightDEK-D180) include a  3-wire, 9-pin cable for firmware updates and streaming EFIS and EMS data.

The FlightDEK-D180 uses ONLY the 3-wire, 9-pin cable attached to the 25-pin (EFIS) connector for firmware updates.

Likely what's happening is that the computer's USB to Serial Converter is actually connected to the 3-wire, 9-pin cable that's attached to the 37-pin (EMS) connector. When this happens, the Dynon Support Program is "tricked" into displaying that it's connected to the instrument correctly because the DSP "sees" the streaming EMS data coming from the "EMS side" of the FlightDEK-D180. But, the EMS side of the FlightDEK-D180 isn't capable of doing firmware updates.

To correct this, find the 3-wire, 9-pin cable that's attached to the 25-pin (EFIS) connector, and the firmware update for the FlightDEK-D180 should work OK.

(Note that IF you have a GPS connected to the yellow-green wire of the EFIS harness, that GPS must be turned off OR out of the circuit (often a switch is installed, or it's necessary to remove the GPS from the frame).


I love flying!
Nov 15, 2011
Likely what's happening is that the computer's USB to Serial Converter is actually connected to the 3-wire, 9-pin cable that's attached to the 37-pin (EMS) connector. When this happens, the Dynon Support Program is "tricked" into displaying that it's connected to the instrument correctly because the DSP "sees" the streaming EMS data coming from the "EMS side" of the FlightDEK-D180. But, the EMS side of the FlightDEK-D180 isn't capable of doing firmware updates.

To correct this, find the 3-wire, 9-pin cable that's attached to the 25-pin (EFIS) connector, and the firmware update for the FlightDEK-D180 should work OK.

Ahhh, I didn't even think of that. I'll check tonight. Can you send me the file that I need to upload to the EFIS because of the "Error 4" data logging error?




Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Ahhh, I didn't even think of that. I'll check tonight. Can you send me the file that I need to upload to the EFIS because of the "Error 4" data logging error?




I think the error message you're getting is because you're not connected to the correct serial port on the FlightDEK-D180.


I love flying!
Nov 15, 2011
I think the error message you're getting is because you're not connected to the correct serial port on the FlightDEK-D180.

I am talking about when I go into the setup on the Dynon's menu's. I was trying to set up data logging, and in that menu, where you would turn it on, the box says "Error 4".

Reference this picture:

Also, I was able to connect to the Dynon using the other serial port (I didn't even notice it was there). The screen turns yellow when I connect to it, say, when trying to detect the firmware, however the computer gives me this error:

If I kill the program in windows, then re-launch it, and try to connect again, the screen on the Dynon turns blank, then the Dynon turns on again, and it detects the firmware version correctly, but if I try it again, the same thing happens.

This is the result:

Any suggestions?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

This could be any number of issues, but something seems to be wrong in the FlightDEK-D180.

Please contact Dynon Tech Support to work through this issue - email support@dynonavionics.com or call 425-402-0433. We have two full-time tech support folks available to work with you.


I love flying!
Nov 15, 2011
For anyone that reads this, that error was resolved by tech support by having me turn off the slaved D-180 on the DSAB network, and reconfiguring the network on the primary. Having two D-180's on the same network is not a supported configuration according to Dynon, and therefore the primary D-180 was showing an error that was preventing me from connecting to it properly with my computer.