The airspeed indication problem came up with my latest flight and had been normal previously. I first noticed something unusual at boot up when a message indicated something about the artificial horizon after which airspeed showed a steady 35 knots with the stall warning sounding even though I was still parked. I recycled the system and it came up at 25 knots. I had experienced a similar problem about 2 years earlier and it cleared up within minutes after takeoff, so I proceeded with my flight. Once airborne the airspeed remained low for a minute or longer before steadily rising, ultimately becoming perhaps 20 knots too high, then got rapidly lower and registered zero for a minute or so. The wild fluctuations continued and by the time I landed, even in my flare the airspeed showed 120 knots and when I parked it was still around 60.
What could be the problem here ? Any suggestions on what I should tell my mechanic to proceed with ? Could it be the connections to the pitot tube ? Or does it sound like a problem directly within the D100 ? The plane is a CTLS, just over 3 years old. Thanks for any ideas you may have.
What could be the problem here ? Any suggestions on what I should tell my mechanic to proceed with ? Could it be the connections to the pitot tube ? Or does it sound like a problem directly within the D100 ? The plane is a CTLS, just over 3 years old. Thanks for any ideas you may have.