D100, HS34, CNX-80 Question - PROBLEM SOLVED!!!


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
Hello -
I am installing a Dynon D100/HS34 version 4, Garmin CNX-80(GNS-480) version 2.00, and a Garmin GTX-327 version 2.09 in my new build RV-4.

After some wiring frustration (the arinc 429 install diagram for the HS34 to GNS-480 isn't really correct), I finally have all the units talking to each other and working GREAT!!!

Except (there's always that "except" ;)) -
The CNX-80 is giving me a no valid altitude message.

By design(for some unknown reason) the GTX-327 doesn't pass altitude info to the CNX-80.  The GTX-327 is receiving serial altitude info from the D100 format 4 and is working fine.

The CNX-80 says it is supposed to accept arinc 429 data labels 203(pressure alt) and 204(baro corrected alt).  And from what I understand the HS34 should be sending those labels....
Since all other arinc 429 labels are working great between the HS34 and CNX-80 I'm wondering if those two labels are actually being sent or being sent properly?

The appendix of the CNX-80 install lists acceptable altitude input devices (Dynon is not one) I don't know if the CNX-80 is filtering arinc equipment id labels or not...
I also don't know if the HS34 is even sending equipment id labels in the format string.

I'm just confused as to why I'm getting an invalid altitude message.  :-?

The CNX-80 will accept serial altitude from the D100 in format 1 but then the GTX-327 has to go without...

I could get around this by purchasing a Dynon serial-to-grey code converter and paralleling the D100 format 1 serial alt info between the CNX-80 and the converter and feed parallel info to the GTX-327 but I'd really rather do this as a last resort if I can't figure out why the CNX-80 isn't accepting label 203/204....

Any ideas?

I am an electronic engineer in the avionics field and am very familiar with the arinc 429 spec from the hardware and software end, I could probably provide gobs more technical info on this problem if you need or want....

BTW, the D100 split screen with the HSI and dual needle pointers and feedback to the CNX-80 is REALLY cool!!!  ;D

Thanks -


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Re: D100, HS34, CNX-80 Question

Hi Terry,

You are having more luck than I am - I have yet to get GPS data to my HS34 / D180 over ARINC, and I've got software v2.1 (getting the upgrade to 2.2 as we speak). The NAV data is coming across successfully on ARINC #2, and GPS data does come across on Serial #1 (but I don't think that will give me vertical steering on the HSI).

Anyway, why not just send the D100 encoder data to the GNX-480? I think the Dynon puts out the correct format for this unit to receive.

On the D180 use Left (vertical) D-25 pin 13 (Blue-White) and connect to P5 Pin 30. On the Dynon select format 1; on the 480 select Alt Enc for Serial #8.




Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: D100, HS34, CNX-80 Question

Per http://wiki.dynonavionics.com/Generic_ARINC-429_Wiring, those two labels are sent out. I think we have customers with 430s receiving it OK. Is there maybe a subtle setting on the GPS that toggles where the altitude is gleaned from?


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
Re: D100, HS34, CNX-80 Question

Per http://wiki.dynonavionics.com/Generic_ARINC-429_Wiring, those two labels are sent out. I think we have customers with 430s receiving it OK. Is there maybe a subtle setting on the GPS that toggles where the altitude is gleaned from?

Thank you for the reply,

According to the install manual the CNX-80 will accept multiple altitude inputs and automatically use valid inputs in a predefined priority sequence, 429, FADC, Serial.

I'll keep looking to find the reason before I give up.



New Member
Feb 10, 2009
Re: D100, HS34, CNX-80 Question

Hi Terry,

You are having more luck than I am - I have yet to get GPS data to my HS34 / D180 over ARINC, and I've got software v2.1 (getting the upgrade to 2.2 as we speak).  The NAV data is coming across successfully on ARINC #2, and GPS data does come across on Serial #1 (but I don't think that will give me vertical steering on the HSI).

Anyway, why not just send the D100 encoder data to the GNX-480?  I think the Dynon puts out the correct format for this unit to receive.

On the D180 use Left (vertical) D-25 pin 13 (Blue-White) and connect to P5 Pin 30.  On the Dynon select format 1; on the 480 select Alt Enc for Serial #8.



Bill -


I have the D100 serial alt encoder output feeding my GTX-327 xponder.

The GTX-327 requires Format 4 and unfortunately the CNX-80 requires Format 1, no way to feed both from a D100 so I'm stuck in a quandary there.  

I need xponder alt input for mode c.  
The alt input to the CNX-80 is only used for automatic sequencing of course/heading to altitude legs.  I will never use that feature but it would be nice NOT to have that warning message every time I power up the CNX...

re: GPS vertical steering HSI info...  Very good point!
I didn't think of that.  I've only verified GPS NAV left/right CDI commands (I'm quite sure the NAV ILS GS will work fine), the CNX power-up self test does exercise the HSI vertical steering properly.
My plane won't be flying for quite some time, I wonder if there is some sort of GPS VNAV option in the CNX simulation mode - I'll have to give that a look.  (I'm thinking it's gonna work though...)
If not, maybe connecting GPS vertical steering via the analog inputs, (unless that causes a conflict with 429 data) don't know, more stuff to check out....   :-/

ETA: oops - I missed the part where you said you were sending your GPS data over the serial bus, my bad :-[


New Member
Feb 10, 2009

OK, problem solved.
After Dynon Support confirmed 203/204 labels are being sent and it might be a configuration problem, I went back and looked at the setup.

It wasn't that the CNX wasn't receiving alt info at all.

I had configured CNX serial port 8 as an altitude input but hadn't wired it up because of the Format conflict with the GTX-327..

The CNX altitude error message wasn't that the unit failed to receive alt info, it was informing that ONE of the configured alt inputs had failed - which would be expected if it wasn't wired up....  ::)

I reconfigured CNX serial port 8 to NONE so that the only alt input was the arinc 429 and the start up error message went away.

Everything now on the CNX-80 appears to be working fine via arinc 429!!!  WOO HOO!  :)


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Re: D100, HS34, CNX-80 Question

re: GPS vertical steering HSI info...  Very good point!
I didn't think of that.  I've only verified GPS NAV left/right CDI commands (I'm quite sure the NAV ILS GS will work fine), the CNX power-up self test does exercise the HSI vertical steering properly.
My plane won't be flying for quite some time, I wonder if there is some sort of GPS VNAV option in the CNX simulation mode - I'll have to give that a look.  (I'm thinking it's gonna work though...)
If not, maybe connecting GPS vertical steering via the analog inputs, (unless that causes a conflict with 429 data) don't know, more stuff to check out....   :-/

ETA: oops - I missed the part where you said you were sending your GPS data over the serial bus, my bad  :-[    

Ok - Terry will you please confirm that you ARE receiving GPS data to the HS34 over ARINC connections?

If so, will you please review my wiring matrix and settings in the Wiki HERE and confirm or post your different correct settings back in this thread?  Whenever I select "GPS 1" (which I have configured as GPS input from the GNS 480 over ARINC lines 1) it always says "searching for GPS signal" or some such.  Switching to GPS 2 or 3 (serial in from 480 / 496) it works ok...


Another question - for Dynon.  Does the HS34 send Baro info along with heading bug info over the ARINC lines?  I'm wondering if perhaps my GNS 480 is in fact receiving that information, because when I enter the ground setup mode I see a baro value that fluctuates slightly, and I cannot figure out where it might be getting it.


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
Re: D100, HS34, CNX-80 Question

Ok - Terry will you please confirm that you ARE receiving GPS data to the HS34 over ARINC connections?

If so, will you please review my wiring matrix and settings in the Wiki HERE and confirm or post your different correct settings back in this thread?  Whenever I select "GPS 1" (which I have configured as GPS input from the GNS 480 over ARINC lines 1) it always says "searching for GPS signal" or some such.  Switching to GPS 2 or 3 (serial in from 480 / 496) it works ok...


Another question - for Dynon.  Does the HS34 send Baro info along with heading bug info over the ARINC lines?  I'm wondering if perhaps my GNS 480 is in fact receiving that information, because when I enter the ground setup mode I see a baro value that fluctuates slightly, and I cannot figure out where it might be getting it.

Phantom -

I can confirm that with my CNX-80 software version 2.00 connected to the Dynon HS34 arinc 429 ports all functions, both GPS and NAV, work and seem to work well.

The HS34 does indeed send arinc label 203(pressure alt) and label 204(baro corrected alt) to the CNX-80.
I can pull up the NAV data on a map page and look at the nav data and confirm that the baro corrected alt is sent to the CNX-80. In fact the baro alt on the CNX display changes as I adjust the HS34 Kollsman.

I will have to get back to you on my wiring and settings as I'm quite deep into a Cabernet right now....  But it did take me several days of wiring changes and configuration changes to get this thing to work.

But it does work and it's impressive once everything is talking to each other....

We can talk here or you can get a hold of me at my email, tbertrand@commspeed.net  


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
Re: D100, HS34, CNX-80 Question - PROBLEM SOLVED!!

Bill -

I just looked at your wiring wiki.

That is almost exactly the way I have my arinc 429 lines wired up.  The only difference is the pin out from the HS34 TX lines - I call HS34 pins 12&24 TX1 and 13&25 TX 2 but since that is just a parallel output it makes no difference.

I don't know how you are getting the 480 arinc RX1 settings you list though.

On my CNX (ver 2.00) arinc RX1 can only be set to ADC LOW or OFF.  I have it set to ADC LOW, this is redundant to RX2 except for EFIS label 100(selected course), in fact it's not even receiving data since I am using the high speed arinc setting.
I have CNX arinc RX2 set to EFIS SYS1 HIGH.  Although it works if I set it either HIGH or LOW (as long as I match the speed in the HS34 setup).

I have the CNX TX1 set to GAMA GPS HIGH.
I have the CNX TX2 set to GAMA NAV HIGH.

I have no connection to CNX serial port 8 Alt Enc.  Pressure alt. and baro corrected alt come over the arinc 429 just fine.

I use CNX serial port 6 TX/RX to talk to my GTX-327 xponder.

I use the serial alt out from the D100 to provide alt info to the GTX-327 xponder.

Other than the DSAB bus, those are the only serial data communication lines I have connected in my system and presently everything is working great!


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Re: D100, HS34, CNX-80 Question - PROBLEM SOLVED!!

Thanks Terry,

I've made these changes to the Wiki. The only remaining difference I see is the one on mine not working, which is ARINC 1 from the 480 trying to transmit GPS data to the HS34.

In v2.3 of the Garmin software the ARINC output options will change to (I alphabetized, their list is not in this order):

GAMA 429
GAMA 429 GFX Int

I"m going to assume that what is labeled "GAMA GPS" in your software version is called "GAMA 429" in the latest version.

TruTrack says they only work with GAMA 429 speed "Low," so if that isn't recognized by the EFIS I may simply be out of luck getting them both to work using ARINC. I should still be able to drive the autopilot from the Serial line, but won't get coupled GPSS precision approaches this way.


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Re: D100, HS34, CNX-80 Question - PROBLEM SOLVED!!

Final update:

After getting the Garmin software update to v2.3 all ARINC communications work as advertised. Since no wires were switched, evidently the v2.1 that I originally had contained a bug preventing it from successfully communicating to the HS34.

Wiki now contains full details to successfully get a GNS 480 (CNX 80) to work happily with Dynon.


New Member
Jul 3, 2006
encoder problem

I have the d-100 and dynon encoder adapter hooked to my old collins transponder.  I am using the correct format.  The transponder works fine.  The mode c is not working.  It looks like everything is connected correctly.  Is there any kind of signal or, voltage I can look for in order to tell if this thing is working, other than flying and asking atc if the mode c is working?  I have to do this myself and I need to get it working.  It is stopping me from doing a lot of flying.  Still waiting on the capstan servos for the autopilot, too!..  Thanks.  Michael.


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Re: D100, HS34, CNX-80 Question - PROBLEM SOLVED!!

Hi Mikey,

Usually if you are changing subjects (e.g. this thread was really about problems with a Garmin 480) you'll have better luck posting a new thread - I only looked here because I started this thread.

Anyway, there IS a way you can check the output.  For the gray code (which is what the encoder adapter outputs) you can test the various wires to see whether or not you get a "ground" through that wire based on the altitude (and you can use a number of techniques to vary the altitude).  Use a volt meter set for your aircraft voltage range (12/24 or something close DC current); attach the red wire to a live source, then touch the black probe to one of the wires.  If the meter reads close to system voltage, the wire is "grounded".  If it reads 0, it is not grounded.  Treat those values as zero and one, and compare the results with the chart below.  I didn't read the whole thing, but you may have to reverse zero and one to get the correct results (e.g. system voltage may = 0 while zero volts = 1). Each of the wires coming from the encoder adapter should correspond to one of the following:
A1 A2 A4 B1 B2 B4 C1 C2 C4 D1 D2 D4

Check out this chart for the expected results from the gray code (what should go from the Dynon encoder adapter to your transponder).  If the results match roughly with your altitude (altimeter set at 29.92, don't forget!!!) then the Dynon stuff is working all right and you either have your wiring wrong or your transponeder needs some help.


New Member
Jul 3, 2006
Re: D100, HS34, CNX-80 Question - PROBLEM SOLVED!!

First, sorry about continuing on the wrong thread. Second, Thanks! I'll try to decipher this and will probably have some more questions for you. It will be next week before I get back out to the airport to dig into this. Thank you. Michael


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Re: D100, HS34, CNX-80 Question - PROBLEM SOLVED!!

Hehe - that's all I know so if you still have questions post a new thread so others see it!

Title it, "Need help with encoder converter" or something like that. Folks are pretty helpful around here, and Dynon will step in if someone else doesn't help you first.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: D100, HS34, CNX-80 Question - PROBLEM SOLVED!!

Mikey - make sure you ALTENC is set to format 1. On the wiring side, make sure that the pair of wires on the encoder that are by themselves are going to the EFIS serial output and ground. People occasionally hook these to power/ground (power ground is in the other meatier bundle, and do need to be connected, usually to the transponder's switched power output which is provided for an encoder)