D100/SL30 - setting the LOC course on the HSI page


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
Lisboa - Portugal
I am unable to set the LOC course on the HSI page for an ILS approach when setting a LOC frequency (109,50) on my SL30. The HSI shows the GS but I have no CDI indication as I can not introduce the LOC course for the runway. In the HSI page, going to the EFIS MENU-NAVSOURCE-COURSE and then pressing the dec- or inc+ buttons nothing seems to show up on the display. And this happens with the LOC not flaged because the GS vertical bar is working as I descend on the glide slope. When in the VOR frequency for the same approach I can have the radial set by the SL30 OBS knob and the display of the CDI.
What am I doing wrongly?
I have the D100 vs 4.0 and I have a switch for changing the Navsource from NAV to GPS.
Thanks, Manuel


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Re: D100/SL30 - setting the LOC course on the HSI

You cannot set the OBS course on the SL30 when a LOC freq is active. This is a limitation of the SL-30 not the Dynon....

I suggest you upgrade your firmware because many changes were made to the HSI since 4.0.

What is your Indicator Head type set to on the SL30 setup menu?


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
Lisboa - Portugal
Re: D100/SL30 - setting the LOC course on the HSI

Brantel, I know that.
I am taking about setting the LOC course (with a LOC freq in the SL30) using the menu buttuns of the D100 when in the HSI page.

Indicator Head type set on the SL30 setup menu?
Can you please clarify me if that setting is done directly on the SL30? I do not know about that feature on the SL30.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Re: D100/SL30 - setting the LOC course on the HSI

Keep in mind that we are trying to help and we have no idea what you know and what you don't.

There are many setup parameters inside the SL-30 that can be changed. Look at the install (not the operators) manual for these and how to change/view them. It will be critical that your SL-30 is setup correctly to properly work with the Dynon.

Are you using a HS34 or an external standalone CDI/HSI head?


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
Lisboa - Portugal
Re: D100/SL30 - setting the LOC course on the HSI

Please don't take me wrong. I was only trying to assure you that I knew that the OBS knob does not work when the SL30 is tunned to a LOC freq. Sorry if you understood otherwise.
No I do not have a HS34 nor a stand alone external CDI/HSI.
I am going to go through the SL30 Installation manual and look at the set up menu to see if my Indicator Head type is set to NONE.
I will give you feed back of my findings. I truly thank you for your help.
I am trying to avoid to update my vs. 4.0 to the new firmware release vs. 5.1 because I fear to do something wrong and spoiled everything. Up to the present, my D100 and D120 have been performing perfectly besides this intent to perform my first ILS approach. Do you think that the firmware upgrade it realy worth's the risk? I have also a GPS496 installed and it seems that we have to change some settings on it to keep it communicating with the new firmware. Is that true?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: D100/SL30 - setting the LOC course on the HSI

We have made bug fixes on the SL-30 interface since 4.0. Upgrading should help. Also, note that the indicator head type on the SL30 setup (consult your Garmin installation manual / tech support for directions on how to set this up) should be set to "none". Also, note that when tuned to an ILS, you will need to use the course buttons on the screen (if you do not have an HS34). Due to the way the SL30 works, its own OBS selection is disabled while tuned to any ILS/LOC frequency.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Re: D100/SL30 - setting the LOC course on the HSI


No problems here, just want to help! ;D

I do think you will need to upgrade the firmware as there are issues that have been reported as fixed with the HSI and the SL-30 integration.

The issue with the 496 is very easy to fix, just make sure the setting for the Advanced menu under the NMEA settings is set to normal and not fast.


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
Lisboa - Portugal
Re: D100/SL30 - setting the LOC course on the HSI

I have checked my SL30 indicator head type and it was set to NONE.
So I must definitely go for the firmeware vs 5.1 update.
Nevertheless, I don't see the reason for not being able to have access to the D100 menu buttons that are used to set the LOC course, unless the fact of having installed a switch to change the NAV source for the D100 between the GPS nav input and the SL30 VOR/ILS/LOC input - this type of installation is allowed by the D100 instalation manual - is blocking me the access to the HSI menu buttons to set the course of the localizer.
Or this has nothing to do with the problem?
Thanks for the tip on the 496 issue.


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
Lisboa - Portugal
Re: D100/SL30 - setting the LOC course on the HSI

Just one more info on this topic.
As you probaby understood, the connection of my SL30 and my 496 is though the switch into the EMS - I have a EFIS D100 and a EMSD120 - and so I can display on both the GPS HSI and the SL30 HSI.
The installation was done by the CZAW factory in my LSA Sport Cruiser.
I hope that in this type of installation/conections I do not need to disconnect anything to perform the firmware update.
Is that so?


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Re: D100/SL30 - setting the LOC course on the HSI

When you have both a GPS and an SL30 and you have a dual screen EFIS/EMS combo, Dynon specifically says in their manual to connect one of them to the EFIS and one to the EMS and use the Nav Source buttons on the screens to select which one will be driving the HSI. Using this setup, you do not need an external switch and the screens are always getting data from both sources. (Only one can be driving the HSI at a time).

This might be the problem.

Check out the current install manuals for this information.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: D100/SL30 - setting the LOC course on the HSI

mgp - The course not being able to be changed when tuned to a localizer was one of the problems in earlier firmware versions. It is one of the things that we fixed in the last few versions. A workaround until you do your update is to tune to a VOR frequency, then change the course, and then flip back to the LOC frequency.

I can't speak to how your aircraft is wired, but there should be separate 9 pin DSUB connectors hiding behind the panel for each screen that are needed to perform updates. Remember to take a backup of your units when the Support Program prompts you to.


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
Lisboa - Portugal
Re: D100/SL30 - setting the LOC course on the HSI

The workaround tip that you mentioned was my first attempt but the problem is that (probably because the way my SC instrument panel is wired) - SL30 and G496 connected trough a switch to the EMS D120-, in the HSI page, I can only access the MENU-NAVSRC-COURSE...when I switch to the GPS input. When I switch to the SL30 input, pressing the MENU and then the NAVSCR button the VOR overlay goes away and only the HSI rose remains! This fact is driving me crazy!
Question: should I first - and before performing the update from vs. 4.0 to vs. 5.1.1 - eliminate the switch and connect the SL30 to the EFIS D100 and the GPS496 to the EMS D120?
Thanks, Manuel


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: D100/SL30 - setting the LOC course on the HSI

Having them both hooked to a Dynon serial input would let you use the NAVSRC button instead of an external switch but that shouldn't affect your ability to use the workaround.

To be clear: Tune a VOR frequency in the SL30. Press the OBS button on the SL30 and spin the SL30's knob. Verify that the course moves on the Dynon. Then, tune the LOC freq into the SL30. Flip/flop to it using the <--> button on the SL30, and then the OBS button/knob will not longer work on the SL30. So, flip back to the VOR using the <--> button again, then press OBS and use the knob to spin the course to your LOC/ILS course, then, finally, press <--> to fly that course while tuned to the localizer.


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
Lisboa - Portugal
Re: D100/SL30 - setting the LOC course on the HSI

OK, thanks.
I will try again exactly as you say and will let you know the result after my next flight.