D180 and 696


New Member
Mar 23, 2008
Hello fellow Dynonites!

Tonight I was going through the configuration of my D180 trying to get it to play nicely with the 696. I set the 696 to NMEA IN/NMEA out and the HSI came to life.

Next I tried to get the 696 to send frequencies to the SL40, to do that the 696 manual says use either TIS In/NMEA & VHF Out or Aviation In/NMEA & VHF Out. When I change the 696 to these I lost the HSI. It changes to "Waiting for GPS fix" or something to that effect. Even with these settings I have yet to get the 696 to load a frequency into the SL40. The SL40 is connected to the 696 via an HS34.

Anyone have any suggestions as to what might be happening?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We know this works with a 496, but we don't have a 696 to test with. First thing to check is that when you are on NMEA/VHF out, that the speed of the port doesn't change from 4800 to 9600 or vice-versa. If it does, you need to tweak that back or tweak the HS34 settings.

If all the speeds look good, check the advanced settings for the serial port. The 496/396/296 has these, and it lets you turn messages on and off. Make sure it's not set to "Fast" but "normal" and see if anything else looks weird.

Once that's working, hopefully the frequency pass through will too, but if it doesn't then we can work from there.


New Member
Mar 23, 2008
You're right David, I do need the exercise but... I'm the type of guy that even if I end up not using the capability, I still want it to work.


I set the 696 to aviation in / NMEA & VHF out. The two connection settings to choose from are "Fast and Normal". Normal is 9800 baud so I changed the HSI to 9800 and the HSI is now working. I still haven't been able to load any frequencies into the SL40 yet. Any ideas?

My next guess would be wiring but that will involve pulling my panel so if you guys have any suggestions on settings I'm all ears! I really don't want to pull the panel but if that's whats needed I'll do it. By the way, all of my harness was built by Steinair so I do have a lot of faith that it's right and I'm doing something wrong with the settings.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Do you have the output of the HS34 set to "SL30 CMD" on the serial port that the SL40 is connected to?  I would think that this would be required to get the HS34 to spit out (pass thru) the frequency commands.

As far as I know the SL40 and SL30 use the same commands for setting the frequencies so the "SL30 CMD" setting seems like it would be the correct setting on the HS34 output.


New Member
Mar 23, 2008
Thanks for the suggestion Brantel, I think I tried that before but after reading your post today I went back and confirmed it. No good.

I have to admit though, I'm not sure what you mean by "Do you have the output of the HS34 set to "SL30 CMD" on the serial port that the SL40 is connected to". I have the serial port that the GPS is connected to set to output "SL30 CMD" but I'm not sure where to find where the SL40 is connected to. As it's not a NAV radio, it's not sending anything to the HS34 so I don't think the HS34 even knows it's there.

Am I missing something? I thought the SL40 was just "listening" and the HS34 just passed the info in the blind. If this is incorrect, please educate me. :-?


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Sorry, I assumed you had the SL40 RX line connected to one of the HS34's TX lines. If you do, the HS34 can pass the frequency data thru to this line if you have the HS34 set to output "SL30 CMD" on the port the SL40 RX is connected to.

If you do not have it connected this way (which is possible since the SL40 really has nothing to send since it is not a Nav radio), you might have it connected where the GPS TX line is connected to both the HS34 and the SL40's RX lines.

Please double check the wiring. It is OK to split the GPS TX line to multiple RX devices, you just can't have multiple TX's on the same line.

If you do have the GPS TX connected to both the HS34 and the SL40 RX and you have the GPS set to "Aviation In/NMEA and VHF Out" and the baud rates all match, it should work fine....

Just a thought, If Stein did this panel and wiring, I would think he would have wired it just as if it was an SL30 so that if you ever decide to upgrade, the wiring would be ready to go, just swap out the radio's. You might want to ask him how he did it since there are two ways it could be done.

Right now I am ready to bet that it the GPS is connected to one serial port of the HS34 and the SL40 is connected to the other one on the HS34 (since Stein might have made it ready for an SL30) and that all you need to do is go into the settings for the HS34 and configure the port correctly.

Did Stein provide you with a wiring diagram on how he did the job? If so, we can check into that to see what he did, if not just give him a call and he will fill you in...


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Having the serial port the GPS is connected to set to output "SL30 CMD" would not do any good.  The second serial port on the HS34 is most likely where the SL40 would be connected if it is at all to the HS34.

Try setting the second serial port on the HS34 to output "SL30 CMD" and see what happens.

The SL40 is listening but it must be connected to a line that is transmitting the correct data.  The HS34 will take frequency data from a GPS on one port and pass it thru to a device connected on a second port.

I have to admit though, I'm not sure what you mean by "Do you have the output of the HS34 set to "SL30 CMD" on the serial port that the SL40 is connected to". I have the serial port that the GPS is connected to set to output "SL30 CMD" but I'm not sure where to find where the SL40 is connected to. As it's not a NAV radio, it's not sending anything to the HS34 so I don't think the HS34 even knows it's there.

Am I missing something? I thought the SL40 was just "listening" and the HS34 just passed the info in the blind. If this is incorrect, please educate me. :-?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
On the HS34 serial port setup, the port hooked up to the SL30 should be set to SL30 input and SL30 CMD output. The port that the GPS is connected to should be set to NMEA in, with the output remaining at none. On the 696, you'll need NMEA + VHF out. 9600 baud is more desirable than 4800, and make sure the data rate is set to normal under the GPS's advanced setup. All that said, we haven't gotten our hands on a 695/696 yet, so it's possible that the data coming out of them is a touch different than the previous Garmin handhelds.


New Member
Mar 23, 2008
OK Thanks Brantel, You are correct in your thinking, I do have the SL-40 connected to the HS34 and Stein did build the harness so I can pull out the 40 and insert the 30. I've spoken with him several times but not specifically about this. Their harnesses come with labels on most of the wires and a very good wiring diagram as well.  That's the primary reason I think the wires are correct and I'm the one screwing up the configuration.

I'll try your suggestion Friday and report back.
I have tried to set the second port to output SL30 CMD but it wouldn't work because it needed an input option set first.  I'll admit I never thought to set the input to SL30 CMD because I don't have one, sounds logical right? That should work. Realy good call, sometimes I'm just to close to the trees to see the forest.


I have yet to find an 'Advanced' option on the 696, I know the other X96 products have it and the 696 may as well but if it does, it's well hidden. The interface is set to 'aviation in/NMEA and VHF out', the speed is set to 'normal' which gives 9600 baud.

When you change the speed, it changes the baud rate and output sentences. There's 'normal' 9600 baud, info is sent every other second and 'fast' 4800 baud, less info is sent but it's sent evey second.

I'll try to snap a pic tomorrow so you can see the interface settings.

BTW; Steinair doesn't just sell really good harnesses, they also sell 696's too!  ;-)  


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Should not hurt to have the input set to "SL30 Input" as well as the output set to "SL30 CMD".  There won't be much there but it should still work.

I think on the 696 they went away from the separate menu for the advanced settings.  Just make sure the protocol is "Aviation in/NMEA & VHF out", Baud Rate is "9600" and speed is "Normal" and setup the HS34 and all should be golden.

If you get this to work, you can confirm it with Dynon and they can update their info to say that it is confirmed to work with a 696 :)


New Member
Mar 23, 2008
Should not hurt to have the input set to "SL30 Input" as well as the output set to "SL30 CMD".  There won't be much there but it should still work.

I think on the 696 they went away from the separate menu for the advanced settings.  Just make sure the protocol is "Aviation in/NMEA & VHF out", Baud Rate is "9600" and speed is "Normal" and setup the HS34 and all should be golden.

If you get this to work, you can confirm it with Dynon and they can update their info to say that it is confirmed to work with a 696 :)

Brantel, you're correct as far as the 696 is concerned. "Aviation in/NMEA and VHF out" and speed set to "Normal" 9600 baud feeds the HSI nicely.

I was wrong about the "Fast" and "Normal" settings though. Seems that the same sentences are sent and they are sent at 9600 baud at both "fast" and "normal". When choosing NMEA the description and speed of what is being sent changes with the two settings.

On to the GPS-HS34-SL40 issue...

I set Serial 1 input (Serial 2 is the GPS) to each setting, aviation, NMEA, sl30, and none. After each setting I arrowed down to output and tried to change the output but it will not change from "none".

Now that's confusing... I guess the port needs see an input from something before it will give you the option to change the output??? Doesn't seem right, hopefully Dynon will confirm this.

This issue isn't really an issue with the 696 as passing the frequency data from a X96 through the HS34 has been done by a few already. I've just got to find out how they did it.

I'm also going to call the fine folks at Steinair and ask how they have conquered this as well.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
On to the GPS-HS34-SL40 issue...

I set Serial 1 input (Serial 2 is the GPS) to each setting, aviation, NMEA, sl30, and none. After each setting I arrowed down to output and tried to change the output but it will not change from "none".

Now that's confusing... I guess the port needs see an input from something before it will give you the option to change the output??? Doesn't seem right, hopefully Dynon will confirm this.

What say's Dynon??? Why can't he set the output to SL30 CMD????


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Only one serial port can have the SL30 CMD output setting on it at a time, and it needs to be on the port actually connected to the SL30's receive (ie, the one that is set to SL30 input). It's how we tell the SL30 course settings, and know where to spit out the frequencies that come from the GPS. So deselect it from the one port and the setting will then be available for the other port.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
OK Ratman,

We are going to beat this thing yet!  Since Dynon gave us a clue, here is what I think your settings should be on the HS34 since you say the Sl40 is connected to serial port 1 and the GPS is on port 2.

HS34 serial one transmit = SL30 CMD = connected to the SL40 Receive
HS34 serial one receive = SL30 Input = connected to the SL40 Transmit

HS34 serial two transmit = none = not used
HS34 serial two receive = NMEA In = connected to the GPS transmit

From an earlier post you gave us a clue as to what might be wrong....

Here is what I think you have and per Dynon, this won't let you set the setting twice...

HS34 serial one transmit = None (won't change because SL30 CMD is already set on the other port) = connected to the SL40 Receive
HS34 serial one receive = SL30 Input = connected to the SL40 Transmit

HS34 serial two transmit = SL30 CMD (earlier you stated this is how you had it set) = not used
HS34 serial two receive = NMEA In = connected to the GPS transmit

Try setting it like that in the green and see what happens.  Remember you will need to get rid of the SL30 CMD on serial port two before you will be able to set it on serial port one.


New Member
Mar 23, 2008
Thanks again Brantel,

I actually beat you to it this time. I was at the hangar when I saw Dynon's response and tried just what you suggested. Unfortunately, I must either have the TX/RX wires crossed or they aren't fully pushed into the connector . I'll have to pull the panel if I can't get to it from underneath or behind.

Either way, I'll report back my findings. I hope to meet you at a flyin someday, I owe you a beer!


New Member
Mar 23, 2008
Real bummer today. Luckily I modified my -8 with access to the rear of the panel through the front baggage compartment. I opened it up today with the intention of swapping the RX/TX lines to the SL40 just to see what happens as I assumed they were crossed. Well, no such luck. Can't cross what isn't there so I'll have to pull the panel, pull the radio and add the wires to the harness. It wont be done soon as I have the airworthiness inspection coming up in the next couple of weeks and I have other things to wrap up. I'll get back to it in a month or so.

Much thanks to Brantel for the help here. I'll catch up with you at Osh/SnF or LOE!


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Well at least you know what the problem is.....

You will get it! Just a little more work and it will be there!


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
I'm jumping in late here, but might be able to save you some head-banging.

What you are seeking is two separate Serial outputs FROM the 596 TO two separate devices. One output would be NMEA to drive the HSI, the other output would be SL30 to drive your SL40 radio channels.

If the 596 is like the 496, the wiring output lists both a serial out 1 and serial out 2.

Unfortunately, the device does not actually output a second serial stream.

Verify that this is true with Garmin. If so, it will be impossible to get your 596 to do both functions. I went through this with my 496 & GNS 480 and HS34 - can't get both to work at the same time.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The 496 can output NMEA and SL30 commands on the SAME serial port. It's "NMEA & VHF out."

When in this mode, both come out the same serial port. The HS34 is smart enough to then pass on only the SL30 commands to the SL30. You can also just wire the SL30 and the HS34 in parallel, since the SL30 is smart enough to ignore the NMEA info, but if you do this, the HS34 can't set the course on the SL30.

You are correct, only the 296 actually has two serial ports. The 396 and above used this port for the weather receiver. The 396 pilot's guide we have doesn't list a pinout for the second port however.