Dead Battery SBS 8


New Member
Dec 2, 2008
after a 10 week pause the new battery of the new plane went dead and had to be replaced. There is the D100 as well as the D120 connected. After replacement I could still detect the usage of exactly 4 milliA even though everything was disconnected. Is it possible that the EFIS 100 or the EMS 120 are still consuming poweionr.?? My electronic specialist could not answer this question. I am using Software 4.0 Do I have to upgrade even though I am not using an Autopilot ?? Please advise as I dont want to change the main battery again after keeping the plane parked for 80 days (winter) I have hooked a permanent charger/refresher in the meantime.
Many thanks for a quick answer


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We recently discovered this ourselves, but don't yet have a permanent solution to the issue. Because of the way the CT electrical system is designed (without a master master relay), the battery is always connected to the amps shunt, even when the master switch is off.

This, in turn, causes a very small amount of power to be continuously drawn by the EMS through the amps shunt. While we're working on a solution, right now the easiest stopgap measure that you may be able to to perform as an owner (check with Flight Design) is to disconnect the battery when if you're not going to be flying for a while. Or, as you've done, hook up a battery tender.