DSAB Config Question with 2 D-10As


New Member
May 7, 2007
I have two D10-As. Let's call them A and B.

A has the SL-30 hooked to it with B having the remote compass.

After upgrading to release 5.0.1 I am unable to configure the DSAB bus to have the SL-30 recognized by A with B being the compass master. The only DSAB configuration option presented is the auto config.

I have tried configuring one versus the other with both on and I am unable to split what I would like to be primary on each unit as the auto config option will either make A the master for everything or B the master for everything.

As it stands either I have unit A with the SL-30 and it's internal compass or I have unit B being master with the exeternal compass and no SL-30 on A.

Is there a way to configure which items a particular unit will be the master for with version 5.x of the software?



I also have the SL-30 setup properly within the Nav screen


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You need to make the unit with the remote compass master. You do this by triggering DSAB setup on that unit.

Once done, you should be able to see the SL-30 on both units. All serial ports in the system are shared, with no configuration needed. Have you tried this?


New Member
May 7, 2007
Yes I have.

With Unit B as master both units can see the remote compass coming from B but neither A or B can see the SL-30 or at least the HSI seems to think there is no SL-30 hooked to it even though unit A has the SL-30 set for the nav source at 9600 BPS. Unit B does not see the SL-30 either unless there is another setup step I am missing.




New Member
May 7, 2007
I also wanted to mention that I have tried every permutation of DSAB setup using the new firmware.

The DSAB setup has been initiated from A and or B. I have also tried doing the setup with A setup properly then shutting A down and resetting just B and vice a versa to no avail.

It seems as though the new firmware is binary in that it will either make A or B master for everything without the ability to make one unit or another master for discrete features as was the case prior to the 5 update.

I'll check the release notes for 5.0.2 to see if this has been addressed.




Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The master has always been the "master" of everything. The only time you're presented an option to select anything is when there is more than one of something that can provide a role, such as OAT, ETC, or EMS.

So, to be clear, you want to perform a DSAB configuration from B to make it the master (since that is where the EDC lives).

Make sure that under the HSI setup on unit A, that none of the serial ports are set to SL30.

If checking that doesn't reveal anything, we're either looking at a bug of some kind or just the slight trouble of trying to get pretty deep into config issues over the forum. If you don't find anything up with the serial port configuration, give tech support a call at 425-402-0433 for further assistance on this one. If you can do it from the aircraft, we can talk you through some things step by step.


New Member
May 7, 2007
I did ensure that the SL-30 was not set in either serial menu of the two D10As and the problem persists.

Just to be very clear here is the setup:

D10A (Left) - connected to SL-30 through Approach Systems Hub
D10A (Right) - direct connect to the edc

NOTE : This setup worked fine with the later 4.x releases and the first 5.x release.

I have initiated the DSAB setup from both left and right units while trying to make either the left or the right master and I am still only able to get the following to work:

D10A (Left) - configured as master only sees SL-30 but does not see the EDC (both see the internal compass heading)


D10A (Right) - configured as master both left and right units see EDC but neither unit sees the SL-30 confirmed by no signal on either units' HSI screen.

------------------- This worked in the first 5.x release and the later 4.x releases but after updating to the latest this 5.x latest AP release I am unable to have both and EDC and SL30 working as before.

These products have served me well. I hope this one can be ironed out without having to rewire or wait for a fix.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Odd... none of the 5.0 "point" releases should change that behavior at all. We may have a bug there, but it's hard to say. We'll file a bug report, but in the meantime I'd try to get the SL30 and the EDC both hooked to the master to see if that fixes things.

Also, try setting the unit that has the SL30 connected to it explicitly to SL30 input. Does that change anything? When you use the Right unit as master, is there no NAVSRC button on the HSI screen at all?


New Member
May 7, 2007
Odd... none of the 5.0 "point" releases should change that behavior at all. We may have a bug there, but it's hard to say. We'll file a bug report, but in the meantime I'd try to get the SL30 and the EDC both hooked to the master to see if that fixes things.

Also, try setting the unit that has the SL30 connected to it explicitly to SL30 input. Does that change anything? When you use the Right unit as master, is there no NAVSRC button on the HSI screen at all?

I rewired my EDC and OAT probe to work with my Left D-10 which also is connected to the SL-30. All features now work as they did prior to the 5.0 upgrade (2nd release).

So I'll leave it up to the Dynon engineers and marketing to determine if this was in intended change in functionality or a bug :)

Prior to the second 5.x release it was possible to have one D-10A be primary for the nav signal on the hsi while the other D-10A was primary for the EDC.

Best Regards,



New Member
May 7, 2007
"Also, try setting the unit that has the SL30 connected to it explicitly to SL30 input. Does that change anything? When you use the Right unit as master, is there no NAVSRC button on the HSI screen at all?"

I did try that prior to the wiring change and it did not change the behavior. Also there was no NAVSRC on the HSI screen on either D10A after selecting SL-30 specifically on the unit hooked directly to the SL-30 as well as trying the same on the other unit.

If I could suggest that the docs are updated for 5.0 such that the builder be sure to pick a master given a similar config (two D10As) and wire everything to that single unit in order to save future builders the hassle of rewiring.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Just a quick update on this issue: It turns out that due to some deeper DSAB technical limitations, when you have multiple products connected, only the primary EFIS's serial port is available, as well as the primary EMS serial port (if you have a FlightDEK-D180 or both an EFIS or EMS in the system).

In the case that you only have to EFIS products, but have both a GPS and an SL30 that you want connected, they either need to be switched through the DSAB master's serial port, or each connected to their own EFIS port but with the units NOT connected via DSAB (they'd both have to stand alone)