
I love flying!<br />
Mar 5, 2016
Reading the Installation Manual Section 5 it says "The ADAHRS labeled PRIMARY is the one that will be preferentially chosen by SkyView as the active ADAHRS that is displayed on the PFD"

Does this statement apply to a system with two displays and two ADAHRS?

In other words, if both displays are on and each is displaying a PDF attitude indication does the left side screen display the Primary ADAHRS and the right system display the secondary...


Do both screens display the Primary until that ADAHRS becomes faulty and then both systems will then show the secondary ADAHRS data?

I ask because I am curious if during IFR flight it would be beneficial to have two Attitude Indicators displayed at the same time when I am flying solo. With traditional airplanes that have two steamer PFDs installed the pilot can compare the two and (hopefully) determine if one is acting up and witch to the other side but with the behind the scenes magic in SV perhaps there is no great benefit to having two PDFs displayed when only one pilot is watching because of the auto-switching and notification messages..

Also, it seems that during start up the system will select what system in a dual screen installation is the "Master" display and what display is the "Slave" so is there a similar process with the ADAHRS units?



Oct 25, 2009
Pilot User's Guide, pgs 4-26 to 4-29 clearly explains all this.

Some on this board have stopped helping those who won't RTFM.  So far, I'm OK, but for how much longer, don't know.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
It's the latter: one ADAHRS' attitude is displayed on both. BUT, if the two ADAHRS are not the same, the system cross-checks them (and other flight instrument parameters), lets you know, and gives you the ability to compare and choose which one you want to use.


I love flying!<br />
Mar 5, 2016
It is a but "frustrating" that when I start off the thread with "Reading the Installation Manual Section 5" and I even quote specific excerpts from the manual then someone admonishes me to RTFM...Go figure...

Yes I indeed read both the F-IM and the F-PUG however after re-reading and re-reading both FM's both seems to keep referring to "the display" however my installation has TWO displayS so that is why I was asking the kind members of this community for clarification.

So it would appear that when flying with both displays and both at showing an Attitude Indicator as Dynon so helpfully explained...this means that both AIs will be getting their attitude information from the Primary ADAHRS...then when either of the ADAHRS acts up I would then assume that both SV-1000s Attitude Indicators will display a warning "ADAHRS CROSS CHECK ERROR(S)" and then the pilot would need to press the COMPARE button on only one display and that will show the side by side comparison of the Attitude Indications of both ADAHRS and that is where the pilot would select what ADAHRS I want to use.

So Cool...this answers my question that when only one pilot is on the airplane then there is no intrinsic need to have two Attitude Indicators displayed (for the cross check purposes) and therefore I can use the co-pilot screen exclusively as a MFD and not waste the space with the Attitude Information. When two pilots are onboard it would be helpful to have the Attitude Indicator on the far left of the pilot side screen as well as one on the far right sides of the copilot side screen be cause that is the traditional layout.

I"m sure everyone has gleaned that information by reading the FMs.



Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
It is a but "frustrating" that when I start off the thread with "Reading the Installation Manual Section 5" and I even quote specific excerpts from the manual then someone admonishes me to RTFM...Go figure...

Yes I indeed read both the F-IM and the F-PUG however after re-reading and re-reading both FM's both seems to keep referring to "the display" however my installation has TWO displayS so that is why I was asking the kind members of this community for clarification.

So it would appear that when flying with both displays and both at showing an Attitude Indicator as Dynon so helpfully explained...this means that both AIs will be getting their attitude information from the Primary ADAHRS...then when either of the ADAHRS acts up I would then assume that both SV-1000s Attitude Indicators will display a warning "ADAHRS CROSS CHECK ERROR(S)" and then the pilot would need to press the COMPARE button on only one display and that will show the side by side comparison of the Attitude Indications of both ADAHRS and that is where the pilot would select what ADAHRS I want to use.

So Cool...this answers my question that when only one pilot is on the airplane then there is no intrinsic need to have two Attitude Indicators displayed (for the cross check purposes) and therefore I can use the co-pilot screen exclusively as a MFD and not waste the space with the Attitude Information.  When two pilots are onboard it would be helpful to have the Attitude Indicator on the far left of the pilot side screen as well as one on the far right sides of the copilot side screen be cause that is the traditional layout.

I"m sure everyone has gleaned that information by reading the FMs.


You can always test your assumptions, as well...just take one or the other of the ADAHRS in your hand and move it so it will be oriented differently than the other one, and watch what the screens display.


I love flying!<br />
Mar 5, 2016
Thanks Steve W for your advice... good information and I would like to do that test however I have already stacked both ADAHRS on top of each other and installed them into the Avionics bay with locktite and therefore it would be a real PITA plus a bunch of very bad words to disassemble it now and test.

Again... good information and I always value your advice.
