dual efis


New Member
Dec 25, 2006
now that the EFIS-D10A will display an hsi and related data, what is the possibilities of
DUAL EFIS?  One with the normal flight information and one with the HSI displayed.  

My concerns would be dual systems getting power off only one bus ?  I think it would be important
to have each one able to back up the other.  Is there an inexpensive way to rig this?

also what normal instruments should be retained .. again for back up...

the battery back ups would be a must in my mind.  


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Glasair1,

I am just about to install what you intend. I am actually going to replace a Sandel SN3308 with a second D10A which will be stacked under the first D10A.
Instrumentwise I will put small 2inch Instruments around the two EFIS which will include: ASI, ALT, VSI and the new small MD-200-506 CDI. I think this will make it looking pretty nice and I do have a complete conventional backup. The arrangement of the round instruments will be calssic.

I will install a ground clearance switch, which will serve as an emergency bus as well. This way I will still have the SL30 and the X-PDR servicable, if I loose power completely. I will probably also wire the EMS to the ground clearence switch. Both EFIS do have the internal backup battery. I think this is fine, as it should serve for up to two hours. I think this should be sufficient in case of.

If you are looking for an affordable 2 1/4 inch altimeter, you may check out "Winter Insturments", www.winter-instruments.de

My panel will be posted here probably by the end of January, in case you would like to see first, how it looks ;-)

Best regards



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You can already put two EFIS units in your plane and display EFIS on one and HSI on the other. This is a fully supported setup. If you buy a D100 or D180 unit, you can put the EFIS and HSI on the same screen at the same time.

All of our EFIS units can be purchased with an internal battery that lasts at least 2 hours when your master power fails. Put one of these in each unit and they are completley independent of the power bus.

Backups are up to you. Many customers consider a battery backed up second EFIS to be all the backup they need.