Looks good! I don't have anything to add on placards as I have no direct experience with these systems, but a few questions:
-what are your plans for the radio stack and transponder?
-the ammeter for the prop boots - could that be handled in SkyView with the appropriate sensors?
-the annunciator panel - same question - can't that be handled with SkyView? Appears that it was with the certification plane...
-same question on the hobbs meter - also, is that for the Janitrol, or engines?
The radio stack is a PS Engineering 8000BT intercom, IFD440 and an SL30. The transponder is from Dynon which will be behind the panel and controlled through the Skyview screens.
We talked with our avionics shop and decided to leave the factory ammeter for the hot props which matches what Dynon did on their test bird.
We went back an forth with the annunciator panel. Most of the items on the annunciator panel will be handled with the engine monitor of the Skyview but we decided to leave it for some redundancy for one, but secondly, we realized there are differences with the Seneca II like Dynon did vs our Seneca III. The Seneca II annunciator panel only has 5 lights: over boost x2, vacuum, low oil pressure and an alternator light. The Seneca III has 12 indicator lights: over boost x2, oil pressure x2, auxiliary fuel pump on x2, vacuum, gear unsafe light, baggage door light, alternator, heater overheat, and an air conditioner. It was going to be a bunch more in labor to run the micro switches for the baggage door and for our avionics shop to figure out the logic for the heater overheat so we decided to keep it. Since our gear unsafe light is apart of the annunciator panel unlike the Seneca II which has a dedicated light, we would have to find something similar.
The Hobbs will be incorporated in the Dynon. The heater has its own Hobbs back on the heater itself so we are leaving that one alone. If you are looking at the holes to the left of the Skyview in the picture, those are for the D10A and a digital clock with some USB plugs.
Thanks for the questions.