Dynon - Good after sales service


New Member
May 28, 2008
I had a problem with the VSI and altitude readings on my D100. The problem was competantly diagnosed on the discussion board by Dynon. The unit was returned to them and quicky fixed and sent back by Fedex.
Many people say Dynon have a very good reputation for service and the problems appear to be quickly responded to on the forums. My experience was the same.
The D100 is superb and I am ordering an autopilot. Coupled with a GPS, the system looks like great value for money for sport pilots.


New Member
Jun 13, 2008

I wish I could say the same,but a good number of customers are not happy with Dynon. I certainly am one. They ignore customer request when they can and are quite big on lip service. Slow on updates and uncooperative at tech support .As I experienced at Oshgosh, then can be down right rude.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
This is Robert Hamilton. I recently joined Dynon as their Sales and Marketing Manager.  I don't usually respond to the technical questions on this forum, but your comment is certainly of interest to me.  Most customers have told me that our service is excellent, but when it isn't I want to hear about it and help ensure that all customers receive only top-notch support from Dynon.  I would like to hear more about your experiences. If you will please call me at 425-402-0433, I would appreciate your candid feedback.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
I have had a Dynon D10 for almost 5 years, and every question has been answered to my satisfaction. Recent EDC and noise issues solved, after some requests.

New RV-10 is being built now and is an IFR platform with ALL DYNON Goodies and Garmin gear. Can not think of a better combination myself.

I would this unhappy folk are inevitable in any business, and usually they are their own worst enemies. If you do not get the answers you need, politely explain that you dont wish to shoot the messenger and want t talk to someone further up the food chain.

I would suggest from my dealings they are doing it well the vast majority of the time and always want to please.

Keep up the Good Work Dynon.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
For those interested, Ron's issue is that he purchased a newly completed RV-10, and his builder told him that the Dynon would do something that had not been well tested by the builder. Had Ron contacted us before purchasing an airplane with a Dynon panel, we could have discussed his mission and we would have let him know that he may have had issues with one of the features that was important to him.

We worked constantly with Ron and his builder to keep them up to date, but we also told them the truth that we could not do a special software release just for his problem. As Dynon customers know, we fully test our software before release, so doing a single bug fix is unreasonably expensive for us.

At Oshkosh, we offered Ron that he could beta test the new software, and even offered to have an engineer leave our very busy booth to go update his unit. Ron declined because he flies IFR and wanted fully tested software. A bit of chicken and egg problem given that Ron was one of very few customers experiencing this issue.

His issue was fixed in the 5.0 release of software, just as we promised him on the first day we talked to him. We may have taken longer than he would have liked to get 5.0 released, but we must balance the needs of one customer against those of the whole customer base. We apologize if we ever came off as rude- all we were ever trying to do is be honest with you about when you would be able to see a fully tested release.


New Member
Mar 8, 2008
My experience with Dynon support was fantastic. Chances are the problem was created by me initially, but they took care of everything promptly and very professionally.

joe the pilot