Dynon set me a blank Skyview 1000 replacement.


I love flying!
Apr 13, 2012
I spent months getting my Skyview set up. Had a white screen on my first flight. I sent it back to Dynon and they replaced it with a new one, needing a complete reload.
Where is the best place to start? I figure the EMS, but does it matter what I put in first?
I have a couple programs on my USB that I had loaded in my once completed system. that are FAA_ab1406_ob10.1.doc 8,715KB.,
reg_02-north-america.dup, 2,494,193 KB.,
Can I load them in the new Skyview? I will appreciate all the help I can get. I was hoping to fly tomorrow and hoped Dynon had sent a reloaded system but they didn't so it could be winter before I get this mess figured out.
Thanks for any help.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
Have you tried to import the settings you had from your screen before you sent it back? Dynon likely would have had you export your settings to the USB thumb drive if you were able to do so.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
If we are sent a screen that can be recovered, we will transfer the settings. So in this case, either the unit was so broken that the settings were lost, or the customer requested a cross-ship, so it was impossible for us to transfer settings since we didn't get the bad unit in before we shipped a replacement. This is why we always prefer to repair a customer's unit rather than shipping a different one.


I love flying!
Apr 13, 2012
I messed up. When I installed the Skyview yesterday, I turned it on and everything showed a big red X. I shut it off and came home. I went back to the airport this morning to start loading the programs in. It shows that Dynon had replaced all the settings that I had entered. None of them will show up one the screen, just those red Xs. How can I remove all those red Xs?
Thanks for any help.


Oct 22, 2010
Have you done a network configuration?  See install manual for step by step instructions.  Easy to do and should fix your issues. Make sure your autopilot power is on during the config.


I love flying!
Apr 13, 2012
Thanks Jabarr, I had it up but was unable to try it out, because I was unsure of myself. I hope it works. I want to get going on my phase one.
Thanks you all.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

The replacement SV-D1000 that we sent to you DOES have ALL your settings loaded onto it (transferred from your previous display) - tail number, engine settings, etc.

The one step you have to do, which is documented on the back of the repair report we shipped with the unit, is to perform a network configuration to recognize the unit set of modules in your particular plane:

SETUP MENU > SYSTEM SETUP > NETWORK SETUP > CONFIGURE > (one more right click) > DETECT (button) > FINISH (button). If any of the modules show in Yellow that need firmware update, push the UPDATE button and after that completes, push the FINISH button.

If you have any questions or issues, please call Dynon Avionics Technical Support at 425-402-0433. We're available Monday - Friday, 07:00 - 17:00 Pacific time zone.

Thanks Jabarr, I had it up but was unable to try it out, because I was unsure of myself. I hope it works. I want to get going on my phase one.
Thanks you all.


I love flying!
Apr 13, 2012
Thank you Dynon, Everything went fine except, I'm having problems with the left fuel tank gauge. It was working fine on the other Skyview. I rechecked all the wire hook ups and they were all fine. What it's doing, the gauge shows off most of he time. Then out of no where the gauge moves up to different amounts. Some times it will go up to 11 gal and that is about how much is in the tank. Then again, I will stop at 4 gal. before going back to zero.
I called Dynon but no answer yet.
Any help will be appreciated.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

Unfortunately, Mondays are our busiest day for Technical Support, so sometimes we have to call customers back. We return every call in order received. Please be patient.

UPDATE: We've just cleared up the voice mail queue and don't have any messages from you. Please do call back and if you get voice mail (both techs on the phone), please DO leave a message and we will call you back.

Thank you Dynon, Everything went fine except, I'm having problems with the left fuel tank gauge. It was working fine on the other Skyview. I rechecked all the wire hook ups and they were all fine. What it's doing, the gauge shows off most of he time. Then out of no where the gauge moves up to different amounts. Some times it will go up to 11 gal and that is about how much is in the tank. Then again, I will stop at 4 gal. before going back to zero.
I called Dynon but no answer yet.
Any help will be appreciated.