Dynon upgrades


New Member
May 3, 2009
I purchased a D-180 with HS-34 at Sun & Fun 2009. I am getting ready to launch my RV-8 for the first time and thought it might be a good plan to upgrade. Are there any out there I need before flying?
Also, have you heard of any problems using Windows/bootcamp on a MacBook?
Is there any minimum Windows product I would need like 98 or XP?
Is there any other program or driver I would need to download first?
Really I guess what I am asking is Is there a step by step check list to do the downloads for us computer idiots?


New Member
Sep 20, 2008
I apologize because I cannot write American very easyly (French)
Never had any probleme in using Bootcamp on a MacBookPro for the upgrades. (Windows XP installed on Bootcamp partition)
Be absolutely sure that MacBook AND D-180 will not shut down during upgrade (use chargers either on MacBook and D-180 or AIrplane during procedure). Begin the procedure with a complete backup
Blue sky
Marc, Strasbourg, France, Dynamic WT9 S


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Some people have difficulty with the USB driver - it seems to be especially tricky on Windows Vista (or Windows ME-II as some call it).  Get the right driver on the Dynon sight here. Don't know if they have support yet for the 64 bit versions of Windows. My laptop has XP, have never had a problem, but should also work with Vista and Windows 7.

Also, some have had challenges with USB-serial converter cables not supplied by Dynon. Search these forums for links to ones that work.

A laptop is best - use external power knowing that if it fails the laptop will revert to battery power.  Updating both takes about 30 minutes if you take your time, do a software backup, etc. Make sure your aircraft battery is charged and that you turn off all unnecessary stuff so that your Dynon units will not experience loss of power during upgrade.

Aside from that, make sure that the D180 & HS34 are disconnected from everything except each other for the upgrade.  I found out that I have to disconnect my Garmin 496 completely to get the upgrade to work, while it will work with my GNS 480 still connected but powered down.  Since you have an HS34 (and presuming you follow the instructions to wire all avionics through the HS34 and not directly to the D180), this is only an issue when updating the HS34.  When updating the D180, just power down the HS34 (in my plane, that means pulling the CB).


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
One note on the driver issue - we expect to update our downloads page in the coming days to add a separate download for 64 bit versions of Windows that should produce better results with those systems.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005


New Member
Nov 20, 2009
Problems with USB to Serial (RS232) cable driver.

Maybe my experience could help someone.
I retired my old laptop and had a hard time installing the driver on the new computer.

The old computer: Is a Dell laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bits
Teh new computer: Is a HP notebook running Windows 7 Starter Edition 32 bits

The Prolifc controller driver was installed on the notebook and I got error code 10, as showed on Windows Device Manager screen I've
tried several other drivers downloaded from Sabrent (RS232 cable manufacturer) the problem was the always the same.

So I remembered that Dynon has a driver on its download area, I was happy thinking the problem was solved, but no way got the same error.
Per the Sabrent troubleshooting suggestion I installed the driver on my desktop (Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bits) and for may surprise got the same problem in another computer.
Had already had a look on Dynon's Forum, and find nothing besides a link for 64 bits OS (http://www.dynonavionics.com/downloads/Software/64bit_PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller.exe), that's not for me my systems are 32 bits....
After a good sleeping night, I was ready to start over my search again.
I don't know why decided to give to the 64 bit drive a chance...... and surprise..... it worked out.

Best luck if you have the same trouble, best regards
