EDC 10A-OAT way off


New Member
Aug 30, 2005
Installed EDC behind baggage area..Got latest software, installed with EDC attached Calibrated on airport compass.....
Compass reads at least 50 degress off in all directions and OAT off by 40+ degrees...
reloaded software and recalibrated ...same results....

anybody got any ideas...seems to work just off by big numbers...
I have the latest software...09 and did calibration via d10a...


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
A few troubleshooting questions/comments:

Note that there is software in both the EFIS and EDC that needs to be updated and that this requires the EDC to be connected to the EFIS when you peform updates. If the EDC software is not on the version that the EFIS is expecting you'll see some weird effects. You can use the support program's "check software version" function to confirm that there is connectivity between the EFIS and EDC.

Check that the OAT sensor type is set correctly. If you have an OAT sensor that has a 1 inch black band near the sensor end, this is type 2. If it does not have that band, it is type 1. To set the type on the EFIS-D10A, bring up the menu, the press MORE, SETUP, MORE, OAT.


New Member
Aug 30, 2005
Have reloaded twice but didn't know about ther version checking thing...
It did say had the latest in efis...will try another reload and use the version check...
oat is set right as when I set to type 2 it is not even in ball park...
thanks...will see ifi I can get something to change, though I did note that after calibration mag adj was set to -56.5


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Another note - there will be a new version of EFIS software out in the next week or two which will (along with other things) fix a recently discovered bug in the magnetic calibration routine. Currently, you might have some calibration error if you have any panel tilt which you've compensated for via the "PITCH" adjustment in the SETUP menu. To get a better calibration in the meantime you can zero out that pitch adjustment before doing your calibration. Once the calibration is complete you can reapply the pitch adjustment.

Also check that the OAT adjustment in the OAT setup menu is zeroed out. Otherise the EFIS will apply that adjustment to the measured temperature.

Which OAT probe do you have - type 1 (without the black band) or type 2 (with the black band)?


New Member
Aug 30, 2005
Have type 1 OAT probe....
Reinstsalled software after setting OAT adjustment, Pitch adjustment to zero...
then did version check...got EDC not detected...
Checked wiring, then asked guy in next hangar to check...then we checked together...
all lines to EDC from EFIS Ok, though ground read 18 ohms...others 1 or 2 ohms

reinstalled software...same results...

OAT reads 55 F when it is about 85F, compass aligns to 180

unplugged line and repowered EFIS....got No OAT detected and compass comes up to 230

checked power line going to EDC got 16.8 volts....



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We tried calling yesterday at the phone number we have on file and reached someone who should have passed along a message to you. In any case, we would definitely like to get you on the phone and get a better idea of everything that you are experiencing. Please give us a call at 425-402-0433 at your convienience and we will be able to get things squared away.


New Member
Aug 30, 2005
Late end to this saga caused by me but the excellent support from dynon got the entire system working....outstanding ;D :) :)

Ray Doerr(Guest)

I finally got my EDC and OAT connected in the plane tonight and it was able to see the EDC fine. I had upgrade the EFIS without the EDC connected 2 nights prior and now that I have it all wired the OAT was reading 119F. So I read the previous posts about upgrading without the EDC connected, so I went out and upgraded it again and now the EDC has 1.04 were as before it had 1.00.01 or something like that. Anyways, it is now reading the correct value. I just wanted comment on how reading this forum help save us all some time. Great support Dynon! I also keep seeing the notes about the type 1 has no band and type 2 has a black band. Mine seems to be a type 2, but I fail to see this band they are talking about. If I set the EFIS to type 1, it reports not found. What is the differnce betwenn the two types. I read type 2 is resistance based, what is type 1. It's obviously something differnt if the EFIS reports that is is not found.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You probably have one of the first type 2 sensors that went out. After we realized that they were physically indistinguishable from the older style and that this would create a lot of confusion we started adding about an inch of black heat shrink tubing near the sensor end.