EDC-D10A  wireing


New Member
Nov 5, 2008
Hell-o Bill here. I'm looking for a way that I can check to see if I have my EDC-D10A wired up correctly. It is not recognized by my EFIS yet. I thinking that I might have switched the wires on the DB9 pin. Is there a voltage test or resistance test I could do on the plug when I pull if off the EDC-D10A. IN reading some of the post, It mentions wireing it to the OAT probe... I think I only have the 2 wire probe. I'm having a real problem with my auto pilot so I'm trying to re-calabrate everything from the start and see if I can't catch it.... But the remote compus isn't working yet, so One thing at a time!
How will I know if you answer me here. This site has become very large and don't know if I will find the answer?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: EDC-D10A  wireing

So the definitive test is to simply use the installation manual's D25 to D9 pin out for the EDC, and test continuity from end to end on the listed pin pairs with a multimeter to confirm that you've got the pinout correct. Note that the pin numbers are listed on the face of the connectors in really small raised numbers.

The 3-wire probe OAT is the only one that works with the connection to the EDC-D10A. The two wire probe only works with the EMS system.

We try to answer questions here, but for more direct support you can always call us at 425-402-0433 or email support at dynonavionics dot com.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: EDC-D10A  wireing

Yes, if you do not have a Dynon EMS in your plane, you need a 3 wire probe.


New Member
Nov 5, 2008
Re: EDC-D10A  wireing

Yes, I do have the D10 EMS unit, but isn't the OAT probe connected to the EFIS? At least thats where I get my OAT reading? So would I need to add the 3 wire OAT and connect it to the EDC-D10A? For the life of me I can't locate the installation paper work I received with the EDC-D10A. I vegly remember something about 2 wire vs 3 wire installation procedure. Or do I repllace the 2 wire probe, with the 3 wire probe and wire it to the same place the 2 were porbe is wired PLUS to the EDC? I thank you for your help. When I first installed my Autopilot it seamed to be working fine. Then with each change I've made, update and such, it just got worse on the tracking. I'm not hooked up to my SL30 yet, nor to my GPS. The altatude hold works well, just the tracking to a heading wanders all over the place. I tried that one setting that has been mentioned in some discussions I've read about turning it to "0", but I can only go as low as ".5" on my unit. WEll I'm starting over in setting it up, but I need to get the EDC working or at least recognized first. Thanks again for your patients. About the time I get this strightened out, I'll update to your new equipment and have to start all over again!



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: EDC-D10A  wireing

First of all, you can always grab the latest installation guides at http://dynonavionics.com/docs/support_documentation.html.

The OAT probe setup is fairly flexible in your case. If you have an EFIS and an EMS like you do, then you can use EITHER the 3 wire probe connected to the EDC or the EMS, or you can use the two wire probe connected to the EMS. Connect only one probe, then make sure that ONLY the device with the OAT connected is set up to receive OAT, then DSAB will make sure that OAT is available on both screens. Sinc you have the two wire probe, you should have it connected to the EMS. You do not need to buy another probe. If you need help sorting that out, give us a call at 425-402-0433.

I'm not sure what you mean about 0 or .5 on the autopilot. The autopilot will suffer when in heading hold mode if the EDC-D10A is not working and is well-calibrated.


New Member
Nov 5, 2008
Re: EDC-D10A  wireing

I am referring to the Run Rt Limit to "0" as discussed shown below form another thread. I have done the latest up date. But I can't set my to "0", the lowest it goes is .5.

Dynon Technical

Posts: 5642

Re: roll servo-divergent oscillation
Reply #1 - Jun 21st, 2010, 6:44pm Quote Quote
Have you tried the alternate roll control mode bank mode? Per the 5.3 release notes:

Improved: An alternate set of autopilot control algorithms which may improve roll performance in some aircraft. [glow=yellow,2,300]To try this mode simply set TRN RT LMT to 0.
The autopilot will more directly control bank angle instead of targeting a specific turn rate. [/glow]The maximum bank angle that the autopilot allows continues is still limited by the BANK LIMIT parameter. In this mode, set the BANK ANGLE LIMIT to the maximum value you want the autopilot to use in a turn.
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I guess I will have to verify the connections to the remote compass and that has to be the problem. If not... I'll be back.
Thanks so much for your help.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: EDC-D10A  wireing

Are you sure that you are running 5.3? This feature is new for that release, and I'm pretty sure (I don't have an older setup handy right now) that prior versions that didn't have the alternate roll control mode behaved like you are seeing. Check under SETUP>VRSION