We are from South Africa where it is generally excellent flying conditions. Its summer time and tempretures are running between 28-38C midday that is why the temp is so high.
I am fully in the picture as far as all the functions are concerned just wanted to make sure which factors are used. As far as the different settings are concerned, as we generally work with the metric systems its easier using Celsiuis,etc. for general use, but we are so used to Fahrenheid,etc. when it comes to engine performance, that is better to set it up like I have done.
Dynon systems are great. Have recently flown another 10 with very fancy systems (5 times the price), but I still prefer the Dynon as its easy to configure, use and user friendly especially when you fly a fast aircraft.
Check our web at www.rvclubsa.com for more about our beautiful country.