My friend had an engine monitor installed in his C185. When the temps acted up he would find that the set screw for the OLC-1 connectors had come loose. Go figure. When I bought some better quality EGT probes a few years ago they came with the OLC-1 connectors. I didn't use them. I crimped on hardware store blade connectors and haven't had any problems. I do have a ratchet type
crimper. I think a good quality crimper is the secret to good connections. Your experience may vary.
Yep, just like blades, they can all become loose. They all need doing up tight, be they crimped or OLC-1.
In the OLC-1 you only have one connection to be tight, not two. And you can nip them up with an allen key. Blades can be the blade or the crimp.
As you have noted a good crimp really helps and a good crimper, as Jake uses and obviously you and I do helps.
Vibration is a thing.....balancing the prop affects many things. These too.
YMMV but the OLC-1 is not inferior despite your experience, and it may be superior on averages, provided it is done up correct.
There is no perfect answer, but if it is blade or OLC, do it right!
BTW many of us in this part of the world have had way more problems with crimps and they all bug me for a handful of OLC's.
You can read into that anything.