EMS-D120 Alarms Enhancement Request


New Member
Oct 11, 2006
Couple comments:

After running the engine awhile now with the EMS I agree completely. My personal worry with nusance alarms (oil press on startup) is it get's almost reflex to smack the "acknowledge". We all revert to our reflex in a crisis so definatley the mode you want to train yourself in.

Additionally, I haven't put much time on the airframe now, but I am getting nusance alarms with 10/less gallons in the tanks on the fuel levels when I roll into a turn (pattern). I would think the fuel probe warnings would flag based on a larger time increment (and exclude large rate of change readings) vs. say an oil pressure indication. In an EZ with big flat tanks it might get annoying working the pattern.

Overall...good work on the units. They are great.


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
This is for the D-180, but I assume it is the same as the D-120 in this regard.

With respect to the request to kill low oil pressure alarms on Shutdown, wouldn't it be possible to have inputs from the ignition switches (gnd for P-lead; pwr for Electronic Ignition) and, if all ignition circuits are turned "OFF" suppress the alarms?

If so, it would actually be a GOOD thing to hear a momentary alarm between the time you kill the fuel mixture and the time you turn the ignition switches off - a little reminder both that the alarm works and that you'd best not forget to kill the ignition before you get out. You wouldn't "get in the habit of silencing the alarm," and for those folks with electronic ignition they would never fear forgetting to turn that switch and thus run their battery down.

My 2 cents worth...