EMS Data Output


Oct 25, 2009

A little birdy says this data (Installation Guide, Section 18) is the same as or similar to the legacy products. Is true? If so, are there already existing tools to decode and make use of the data? Could do my own, but I'd rather beg, borrow, or steal.

Regardless, it seems there are some errors in that new section:

1. Data Version is given as two chars starting at position 3, but Zulu hour starts at position four. If really two chars, then the example at the end has version 11 and the zulu hour as 83.

2. The rest of the start positions are off by one down to Thermocouple 3. Thermocouple 4 is right and then Thermocouple 5 through the end are not. So Checksum is at 219 and the note should say "..all 218 preceeding..."

4. CR/LF is 220 not 177

5. What is the minus sign at char 15?

6. What is the plus sign at char 54? Is that plus .7A. Note does not say plus sign is used.

7. At char position 68, 72, 76, it must have been really cold that day!!!!!

So, is this a real data capture from Version 3.1 or is it made up? We either need correct documentation or existing tools that work.

Not bitching, the product is really good, but I get beat up at work when I don't correctly document my work.



Back to my first question, has someone already built tools?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The data is the same sort of data as the D10/D100 products, but it's not the same format.

We'll look into the discrepancies in the documentation.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We updated the documentation in the manual - version H2 is live on the site and is clearer. Thanks for pointing this out. More specific answers to your questions:

1. Data version is 1 char.

2. Thermocouple 4 incorrectly says it starts at 81 but should say 80. The documentation concerning the checksum field is correct (it starts at position 218, is 2 characters wide, and contains the 1 byte sum of the preceding 217 bytes).

4. CR/LF is at 220.

5. Its the sign of that field. Documentation updated to reflect the correct serial output.

6. Its the sign of that field. Documentation updated to reflect the correct serial output.

7. Indeed! We'll blame our developers' sense of humor here (actually, the way they simulate things probably gives them somewhat random numbers, which ended up in our documentation.


Active Member
May 7, 2006
Here's a convenient place that has summary of the Dynon Air Data and Engine Data streams.  It should be immune to the clerical errors in byte numbering from Dynon's documentation because it was generated using a spreadsheet.

These data stream summaries were generated by an interoperability agreement brokered by Vx Aviation to get Garmin and Dynon to use similar sentences. While slightly different in implementation, they quite similar.



Vern Little
Vx Aviation