EMS Screen Layouts


Feb 11, 2010
I was inspired by mmarien's setup and made some changes to my screen layouts. I like the 100% and 50% but I'm not happy with the 20% yet. I also have a mess up in the 100% page, the fuel pressure number should be in the center of the gauge. I'm wondering how we can move the lettering, or descriptions around. Also why couldn't the different gauges actually show graduations on them? Especially the big ones on the 100% page, like the RPM. Why couldn't it show graduations to 3000 RPM like a regular instrument would. Now instead of trying to read the number we would glance at the gauge and know where it's at. My goal for now is to rotate the arcs to get all the needles pointing up when in normal cruise.



Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
Hand coding adds a lot of flexibility to an already highly customizable EMS page. But I agree, the label on the bottom of the gauge does get in the way of some arrangements. Especially trying to place gauges together like the four that Richard has at the bottom of the 20% page. In some cases I don't care what the numbers are as long as it's in the green. The option of no number and placing the label in the center would allow some more compact arrangements.

Graduations would be welcome addition also. A couple examples that you already have are the DG in the PFD page and VORTAC circle on the MAP page. As Richard suggests graduations work better on the larger gauges but even graduations without numbers would add another style to the colored coded bar or arc.



Feb 11, 2010
I saw your graduations and though, great I can do it, But you cheated. Wow, that does look great doesn't it.


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
Caught me. Yeah I just used a graphics program to see what it would look like. It's a good idea. I hope Dynon considers it. That and the labels.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
I would give up the really nice graphics mmarien has devised if I could keep the wind arrow. Wind right on the tail at 20% of indicated is pretty nice!


New Member
Jun 22, 2010
I was inspired by mmarien's setup and made some changes to my screen layouts. I like the 100% and 50% but I'm not happy with the 20% yet. I also have a mess up in the 100% page, the fuel pressure number should be in the center of the gauge. I'm wondering how we can move the lettering, or descriptions around. Also why couldn't the different gauges actually show graduations on them? Especially the big ones on the 100% page, like the RPM. Why couldn't it show graduations to 3000 RPM like a regular instrument would. Now instead of trying to read the number we would glance at the gauge and know where it's at. My goal for now is to rotate the arcs to get all the needles pointing up when in normal cruise.

Hey, where are mmariens screen pics? They inspired me to do something close to it, but they are gone! (deleted)... They were just perfect ::)


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
My new 50% Engine page.


A couple of new things. If the size of the arc is large enough it wraps around the label so the arc can be under the label. If you eliminate the name of the gauge it just shows the units. See the VOLTS, AMPS and RPM. These are obvious so a name is redundant.

You can use the arc for the fuel level, but the top part isn't empty like the normal fuel bar.

Overlaying widgets has some nice effects. I put the %power in the MAP gauge and the timers in the RPM. I did a some fiddling with the contacts but didn't come up with anything exciting. Same as the other gauges. You can eliminate the name or the value but I couldn't get the dot to disappear. It would be nice in the case of the PUMP to eliminate the dot and show it just as text inside the fuel gauge like the timers. Eliminating the name and value and overlaying it with another gauge has some dramatic effects though. There is an obvious error in the RPM gauge shown below.
