Engine Compartment Temp Sensor?


May 20, 2012
I am thinking about mounting a temperature sensor in the engine compartment and connecting it to one of my unused EMS pins. Has anyone done this and have a recommendation for an appropriate sensor?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

For this application, and any other temperature monitoring that's not ON or IN the engine, we recommend using a Dynon OAT probe, P/N 100433-000, $37 direct from Dynon. Connect it to any unused General Purpose Input on the SV-EMS-220 - one lead to the pin (4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 31), the other lead to a ground (3, 13, 16, 17, or 30). It's OK to use a ground connection that's already in use with another sensor. Don't be tempted to use a ground other than one directly on the SV-EMS-220; that can induce noise and render the temp inaccurate.

Then, configure the pin you used (SETUP MENU > EMS SETUP > SENSOR IN PUT MAPPING) to:
TEMPERATURE | DYNON 2-WIRE OAT | CUSTOM (name of your choice - 6 characters) > SAVE (button).

Then configure the resulting widget in EMS SETUP > SCREEN LAYOUT EDITOR > (all three pages) > SENSOR (button) > select (name you chose) TEMP > ACCEPT (button). You can change the type of widget, the size of the widget, and the position of the widget. After you've chosen type, size, and position, push the SAVE button. The layout of the 20%, 50%, and 100% EMS pages is independent, so you'll have to repeat this process on all three.

I am thinking about mounting a temperature sensor in the engine compartment and connecting it to one of my unused EMS pins. Has anyone done this and have a recommendation for an appropriate sensor?


Mar 31, 2011
We did this on our RV-12. I seem to remember that the max temp the OAT probe can go to is 53 degC.

Works a treat - interesting watching the cowl temp increasing during the pre flight power checks but cooling off when under way.



Active Member
Mar 3, 2008

For this application, and any other temperature monitoring that's not ON or IN the engine, we recommend using a Dynon OAT probe, P/N 100433-000, $37 direct from Dynon. Connect it to any unused General Purpose Input on the SV-EMS-220 - one lead to the pin (4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 31), the other lead to a ground (3, 13, 16, 17, or 30). It's OK to use a ground connection that's already in use with another sensor. Don't be tempted to use a ground other than one directly on the SV-EMS-220; that can induce noise and render the temp inaccurate.

Then, configure the pin you used (SETUP MENU > EMS SETUP > SENSOR IN PUT MAPPING) to:
TEMPERATURE | DYNON 2-WIRE OAT | CUSTOM (name of your choice - 6 characters) > SAVE (button).

Then configure the resulting widget in EMS SETUP > SCREEN LAYOUT EDITOR > (all three pages) > SENSOR (button) > select (name you chose) TEMP > ACCEPT (button). You can change the type of widget, the size of the widget, and the position of the widget. After you've chosen type, size, and position, push the SAVE button. The layout of the 20%, 50%, and 100% EMS pages is independent, so you'll have to repeat this process on all three.

So I can put a second OAT probe below the wing and configure it to provide an audio/visual alarm if the OAT gets below 37 degrees F (about 3 degrees C). This would make an excellent heads up alarm that you are approaching freezing temperatures, you should have the Pitot heat on and be taking appropriate measures.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
What are you trying to measure, or at least what temp range? SkyView or D10 series?


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
Davis California
It will be a Skyview...I'm a few weeks away from order and install. I wish to accomplish two objectives (I might need two thermocouples):
[olist][*]monitor temp just above the engine around the fuel injector spyder, mainly for hot restarts;
[*]monitor there or elsewhere inside the cowl for rapid higher temps possibly indicating a fire or something Not Good.
Either objective would require more than 150 deg F I think.