Export flight plans received over ARINC


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
I really like the ability to display the flight plan from my GNS 480 on the map and HSI which comes over the ARINC connection. It would be nice to be able to export the flight plan to the USB I keep in the Dynon. My GNS 480 and most ARINC navigators today are capable of planning using airways to include low, high, Q and T. On a long flight plan there may be many points. Every one of these is faithfully represented on the Dynon in both the flight plan and on the map but if I want to store  the plan on the USB I must enter each point manually in a blank Dynon flight plan in order to export. Since the points are already there, the ability to export a displayed plan from an external ARINC source would save a lot of time. All the route building must be done on the ground for me as I do not wish to compromise safety by doing it in the air. Too much heads down time.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
Any progress on this Dynon? Flight plans now flow to the Skyview from my GNS480 over ARINC, from Foreflight over the Skyview WIFI dongle and from a GRT Mini over serial. I would really like the ability to Export these to the USB stick I keep in the Skyview for flight plans. All the data is in Skyview and displayed. Will there be an update to export to the Skyview USB?