Flight Dek Screen Options


New Member
Apr 21, 2005
El Dorado AR
For the 180 I've seen examples of both "1/2-1/2" and "2/3-1/3". With the added availability of the HSI/DG now is there the possibility to have a "1/3-1/3-1/3" screen?


Nov 15, 2006
I haven't even seen the 1/2 - 1/2 display, although I have installed and flown behind 2 D180's. How do I get this option setup? I think having 1/3's all the way would be very helpful, or finding a way to split the top 2/3's in half and have the engine monitor on the bottom 1/3 or something like that (like the Advanced Systems guys do it, I think).


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Only full screen and 2/3 - 1/3 splits are available. There is no 1/2 - 1/2 split on a 100 series product.

In reality, it's actually more like a 60% / 40% split. This is important because we'd have to make everything smaller than the current "1/3" screen to actually fit three in. Right now if you put three "1/3" displays next to one another you'd only see 1/2 of one of them.

As far as I know, nobody does a screen split three ways. It just makes everything so small that it really reduces usability. You loose a lot of EFIS info in the 1/3 display, like tapes, airspeed colors, alt and IAS bugs, clock, AoA display, info items, and more. We'd have to cut out even more to actually make it 1/3.

Basically, there are no current plans to offer 1/3 - 1/3 - 1/3 or 1/2- 1/2 displays at the moment.


New Member
Apr 21, 2005
El Dorado AR
Sorry, for the incorrect 1/2 1/2 comment. So I'll add to the question what are the chances of seeing the output from the SL30 and GPS on the main EFIS screen?

The problem is if you bring up the engine istruments with the EFIS up you loose the ability to see the output from the NAV or GPS.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We might add CDI and GS indicators on the EFIS screen, but probably not a full HSI overlay. We're not big fans of an HSI overlaid on the EFIS screen because of how visually noisy it becomes, and the interaction between the DG and the horizon can be really distracting. We can be convinced, so feel free to argue otherwise, but very few EFIS manufacturers do this and with good reason we believe.

We're aware that you have to make tradeoffs on the D180 on what you can show at one time. At some point you just need more screen real estate to put more on there safely and efficiently. That's why we support a D100 and D120 networked together and showing what you want on any screen. That combo gets you lots of screen area at a price that is still less than almost every EMS/EFIS combo competitor.


New Member
Mar 26, 2005
Not to stir the pot, ...well maybe.  The guys over at MGL seems to have found a way to get all three info areas on one screen (PFD,EMS and NAV). Mabye they are using a different operating system, graphics subsystem or technique. It there a way you guys could take a look at how you layout your display and maybe tweak a few things.  I really like you guys' product and hope there's a way come up with something.  I don't know how to insert a picture into my message, but you can swing on over to http://mglavionics.co.za/Enigmapage.html and have a look-see.

There's a lot of other stuff packed into the Enigma, but thats not the point of this thread.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It's not a question of it being technically possible. It's a question of it being a good idea. We have 5 times the number of pixels as the engima screen and more area than they do. Note that on their "three at once" screen you don't get MAP, graphical tach, absolute CHT/EGT numbers, or numbers for anything but RPM and fuel flow. It's a very reduced way to show all that info, and prevents you from using it to do anything like leaning.

The HSI is generally used when you're deep in the soup. This is the exact time you want a good, solid EFIS with a well thought out display. No certified EFIS overlays an HSI on the artificial horizon. On top of that, giving you CDI, GS, and course markers on the EFIS screen gets you most of the needed information without making the center of the screen a total mess.

We're obviously thinking about this and are welcome to all input. We take our screen layout very seriously and we are working on making it better. If people really want an HSI on their D180 while having the EFIS and EMS up at the same time we'll listen to that, but it does involve some tradeoffs, and we want to make sure what we do is safe, intuitive, and will work for the vast majority of our customers from hard core VFR to light IFR pilots.


New Member
Mar 26, 2005
Thanks for the info. I will be sure to consider those tidbits you pointed out when firming up the panel layout.

Do you guys have any (distant) future plans for a 10.4" screen (akin to the Garmin G900x)? I think that would work nicely. You could have a D180 displaying the PFD and HSI and your big screen showing the EMS and a moving map.

...speaking of moving maps, is that a twinkle in Dynon's eyes or is that more like a pair of foggles? ;)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
No plans for a 10" screen right now. People seem to have enough issues finding space for a 7" screen, much less two 10" screens. We'd be happy to oblige if enough of you are willing to pay $60K+ though ;) Notice that even Garmin went with dual 6.5" on the 600, but they still need to charge $25K more than us!

We plan on making everything you need for your airplane someday, but no timeline on a map right now.


Nov 15, 2006
Well, I'll settle for the moving map on a 7" screen, while leaving that ungodly Garmin price tag with Garmin. It would be nice to have a "dummy" screen that could display another 1 or 2 screens from the D180 on it. Then I could leave off the Garmin NAV display (CDI/GS) and go one step closer to COMPLETELY DYNON!


New Member
Apr 21, 2005
El Dorado AR
The CDI and GS is really all I'd want out of the on the EFIS screen. I really don't want to have to add a VOR/GS head in my panel because of both limited space and price. I'd much rather spend the savings from a VOR/GS head on a second Dynon product.

We might add CDI and GS indicators on the EFIS screen, but probably not a full HSI overlay. We're not big fans of an HSI overlaid on the EFIS screen because of how visually noisy it becomes, and the interaction between the DG and the horizon can be really distracting. We can be convinced, so feel free to argue otherwise, but very few EFIS manufacturers do this and with good reason we believe.

We're aware that you have to make tradeoffs on the D180 on what you can show at one time. At some point you just need more screen real estate to put more on there safely and efficiently. That's why we support a D100 and D120 networked together and showing what you want on any screen. That combo gets you lots of screen area at a price that is still less than almost every EMS/EFIS combo competitor.