Flight ID


Oct 6, 2021
North Carolina
Is the "Tail Number" item the equivalent of the "Flight ID" for ADS-b out purposes. IOW, if I am doing an Angel Flight and want to use my (legitimate) Angel Flight or Compassion code, is this where it would go?



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
I don't think so. That generates the hexadecimal code tied to your aircraft registration at the FAA, which doesn't change. It produces, among other things, the unique ICAO code for your aircraft. What you're looking for is called flight identification (FLT ID) by the FAA, and not all systems allow you to change it. Someone more knowledgeable than I would have to tell you where to enter a flight ID in the Skyview, if you even can.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
Do not change this in your EFIS. When you file your flight plan with the Compassion Flight note, ATC will handle it that way. It is similar to airline flight numbers. Airline flight numbers have nothing to do with the registration (N number) of the airframe being used for that flight. Filing the flight plan covers that. As mentioned above, altering this in your EFIS will generate a hex code mismatch which will cause your ADSB to be incorrect and normally results in a letter from the FAA to investigate and repair the error.


Oct 6, 2021
North Carolina
Thanks to you both. But that's kind of the question...

@skysailor, the ADS-B Out standard procedure used by the charitable organizations is exactly the opposite of what you describe. Here's the instructions from the Air Care Alliance. All the rescue organizations have the same procedure. The pilot-specific compassion callsign (CMP###) is entered into the transponder in place of the N-Number. If you file, you file with the call sign instead of the N-Number so there is no mismatch - what ATC sees is exactly the same as what you file. You put the real N-Number in the remarks. Limiting it just to this issue, this is how boxes 7 and 18 would be filled in in an ICAO flight plan. Callsign in the Aircraft Identification field (matched by your transponder output). Registration number in the remarks.

In most transponders, it's done by replacing the N-Number with the callsign in a "Flight ID" field. Nothing else changes. I've done this a few times, both IFR and VFR but not with the HDX. I asked because the closest equivalent I see to a changeable aircraft in the Dynon is "Tail Number."


Oct 6, 2021
North Carolina
SkyView software v16.0.1 added the "Flight ID" capability on the Transponder Setup Page.

Ref: https://dynonavionics.com/skyview-hdx-software-updates.php

"Added: Ability for pilots to enter a custom ADS-B Flight ID in Transponder Setup."

Below is a screenshot I took today of the Transponder Setup Page showing the Flight ID item and its options (SkyView Touch running v16.0.8):

Wow! I pulled my screenshot from the old manual. Thank you! I'll look for that on my next flight.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
This is an exercise in semantics. The Air Care Alliance instructions are for entering a "call sign". That's a Flight ID. It's not the same as an aircraft tail number, which identifies the specific aircraft. You can change the aircraft identification on a flight plan, and change the aircraft call sign in your transponder if yours allows you to do that. But the tail number is your registration, not your flight number or call sign, and it should never be changed unless you really like nasty letters from the FAA. As usual, the governing authorities are clear as mud when it comes to explaining things. Glad you got the right answer. I was confident someone here would know the answer for the Skyview.


Oct 6, 2021
North Carolina
This is an exercise in semantics. The Air Care Alliance instructions are for entering a "call sign". That's a Flight ID. It's not the same as an aircraft tail number, which identifies the specific aircraft. You can change the aircraft identification on a flight plan, and change the aircraft call sign in your transponder if yours allows you to do that. But the tail number is your registration, not your flight number or call sign, and it should never be changed unless you really like nasty letters from the FAA. As usual, the governing authorities are clear as mud when it comes to explaining things. Glad you got the right answer. I was confident someone here would know the answer for the Skyview.
I understand the difference Between a Call Sign/Flight ID and the aircraft registration. You are right about semantics. Given the multiple terms being used, I was wondering whether the terminology was being used the same way in the Skyview As elsewhere. Apparently it is,