FlightDEK-D180 with Subaru 6 cyl. liquid cooled


New Member
Oct 24, 2006

I will get a Subaru a geared 6 cyl. liquid cooled engine (Eggenfellner H-6). Does the FlightDEK-D180 work with that - what I need is
- Manifold Pressure (normally aspirated or turbo)
- Fuel Pressure
- Fuel Level (using capacitive or float-type sending units)
- Coolant Pressure
- Coolant Temp

Can I get that from the FlightDEK-D180 directly? Can I get that from the FlightDEK-D180 if I have GRT EIS Model 4000TT as well?

Many thanks for the answer.

Heinz (Germany)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: FlightDEK-D180 with Subaru 6 cyl. liquid coole

Hi Heinz,

All of those items are measurable on our FlightDEK-D180 or EMS systems. Just realize that you do need to use the probes that we supply for measuring some of those items (everything on your list except for fuel level, which you calibrate to your resistive or voltage output capacitive probes).

While we do support a number of the GRT sensors, you can not hook up a single sensor to multiple instruments without adversely affecting those sensors' readings on both instruments. So using both the EMS side of the FlightDEK-D180 and the GRT at the same time is not really practical.


New Member
Oct 30, 2006
Re: FlightDEK-D180 with Subaru 6 cyl. liquid coole

Thanks for the reply.

I'm working with Heinz on his Subaru engine. Please allow me to ask a few more questions:

1: I presume that your sensors will be available in metric thread then? The Subaru engine is mostly metric (and uses VDO compatible sensors mostly)

2: The engine computer puts out a pulse train to be used with a tacho. Alternatively, the signal from one of the injectors could be used to get a tacho signal. Again, this is a 0 to 12V pulse train. I'd have to check if this is 1 or 2 pulses per revolution. Would this signal be compatible with the input of the Dynon? Or would we require considerable signal "massaging" to get it to work? Or would an external sensor (hall effect??) be needed to measure rpm??

3: Can the unit handle up to 6500 rpm??

Thank you again for you time.

Kind regards,

Hans Teijgeler


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: FlightDEK-D180 with Subaru 6 cyl. liquid coole

1) The sensors we sell are generally NPT or UNF thread, and are english. You shouldn't mount many of them right on the engine anyway, so converting threads shouldn't be too hard. You can see a list of the sensors we sell and support on our order form:


2) Any signal that goes below 2V and above 10V will work for us. It can go as high as 50V without a resistor or up to 1000V with a 100K resistor in-line. We can support 1-6 PPR, in 1/2 PPR increments.

3) We support up to 10,000 RPM (some of us have rotaries!)