Apologies if this has been mentioned before.
One of the most frustrating things for me has been calibrating the fuel gauges.
Obviously I'm not a coder, but it seems to me that since the system tracks time, fuel flow, voltage indication of the floats, and start fuel and end fuel from the totalizer, it would be really nice if over a series of flights, it would be able to auto calibrate the gauge adjustment automatically and then indicate its belief that the gauges are as close as they can get.
One of the most frustrating things for me has been calibrating the fuel gauges.
Obviously I'm not a coder, but it seems to me that since the system tracks time, fuel flow, voltage indication of the floats, and start fuel and end fuel from the totalizer, it would be really nice if over a series of flights, it would be able to auto calibrate the gauge adjustment automatically and then indicate its belief that the gauges are as close as they can get.