Fuel tank imbalance


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
There isn't today, but I'll add it to the feature suggestion list.


New Member
Jun 11, 2011
Waukesha Wisconsin
I’ll make the assumption that this request is in response to the note from Burt Rutan and Mike Mevill in a recent Central States Newsletter about No Management Fuel Systems. The kind you’ll find in most canard pushers. The problem occurs when you loose a fuel cap in flight and your engine quits due to fuel starvation. A fuel imbalance alarm could give some time to deal with the situation before it becomes an emergency. More info here…


I love flying!
Feb 3, 2012
I teach flying in LSA aircraft and have D100s and steam gauges in the planes. After 3500 hours and 1800 hours the D100s have been great and very reliable. Not so the steam gauges, the ASI and Altimeter need work or replacing due to intermittent inaccuracies.

I am looking at buying new planes and Skyview is offered as an option in these aircraft.

With the way of the future heading towards glass cockpits I am asking myself wether I should bother with round gauges?

But this could put the student at a disadvantage not having flown with round gauges when they go fly another aircraft!

Also it can give my competitors the opportunity to say that learning with me they miss out on using round gauges that most aricraft have.

I think I recall that advanced flight systems has the option to change to a six pack round gauge display on the PFD screen.

Can Skyview do this? If not can you think about doing it?

If it could change to a six pack round gauge display on the PFD screen, the advantage would be that you could teach analog instruments without having to actually have them!

Also with Skyview can you switch off and on the terrain display? So that there is not information overload for a student.

After flying with the D100 so much and it being so reliable I am a big Dynon fan. And maybe a Skyview fan in the near future?

Reddy Eddy


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

Emulation of steam gauges in SkyView is an occasionally-requested feature, often from customers of LSAs who are transitioning from a steam gauge panel to a SkyView panel. They're often worried about the difficulty of the transition, but after some hours (varies, of course) of actual use, they're comfortable enough with a glass panel / SkyView.

So "steam gauge view" is an item on "the long list of requested features", but there are no current plans to implement it (given the long list of more pressing, more oft-requested features).

Yes, you can switch off the terrain display. In the PFD menu, pressing SYNVIS toggles synthetic vision (terrain display) on and off.


I love flying!
Feb 3, 2012
Thanks for the quick reply:

I am sorry that I put this question in this thread, I thought it was the suggestions area and so started here.

Yeah, you are right, I find that when the round gauges are covered up, students adapt reasonably quickly to the D100 because they have nothing else to look at.

And personally, I prefer flying with an EFIS over round gauges. It is a pity the rest of the aviation world is not there yet. They don't kow what they are missing out on!

My thinking behind having a six pack round gauge display in an EFIS is for the following reasons.

Firstly, there would be no more mechanical instruments - just an EFIS - which after many thousands of hours I have found to be extremely reliable. Less wieght, greater reliablity!

Secondly, students who learn with an EFIS only equipped aircraft wouldn't miss out on understanding round gauges. So that when they go to fly an aircraft with only round gauges they would adapt more quickly. And as they progress on to Commercial that is still more common anyway.

Thirdly, is from a point of view of converting more people over to glass panel EFIS. When changing from one way of doing things to a new way people are risk averse! If there is no risk for someone to change then they are more likely to enterain changing.

I am ordering a New Flight Design CTMC for my flying school this week. And will be ordering a CTLS in 6-8 months.

I can choose having a D100 with EMS 120 plus round gauges or a Skyiew.

If the Skyview had a six pack round gauge display, I would order that. For me then, there would be no risk!

My customers that feel at home with round gauges could still have them. And the younger customers can have an EFIS. And we might convert the round gauge fans into EFIS fans with a touch of a button.

Anyway, as you said it is a low priority on Dynon's list.

I guess the upshot is I will be ordering the CTMC with a D100 and EMS 120 plus round gauges.

Ok, thanks.

Have a great day.

Reddy Eddy


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
Emulation of steam gauges in SkyView is an occasionally-requested feature, often from customers of LSAs who are transitioning from a steam gauge panel to a SkyView panel. They're often worried about the difficulty of the transition, but after some hours (varies, of course) of actual use, they're comfortable enough with a glass panel / SkyView.

So "steam gauge view" is an item on "the long list of requested features", but there are no current plans to implement it (given the long list of more pressing, more oft-requested features).

I find that the analog depiction of airspeed and altitude are particularly valuable for high alpha flight. Aerobatics, dogfighting and the landing pattern are where I find them most valuable. Even if only these two gauges were available I would consider it a big improvement. A glance tells you what you need to know since needle position is obvious whereas the tapes must be read to see the actual value.

The ability to use the angle of attack display will help with the airspeed value. I look forward to first flight and getting the system calibrated. The US Navy insisted on precision when I flew there. These tools help a great deal.


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
Given the additional functions in modern devices ...

I don't think I want to return to my slide rule after having used a calculator.
Or I don't think I want to return to a rotary dial phone after having used a smart phone.
Or I don't think I want to return to analog gauges after having used a Skyview.

I suppose if you aren't using any of the potential of modern devices you wouldn't miss them.

As far as instruction, I don't believe you have to start with a rotary dial phone before moving up to a smart phone, but it could be covered in a history class for completeness.


New Member
Oct 2, 2007
Warrenton, Virginia
So I regularlly fly formation, ACM, and low level acro (250 ft acro card). while it did take some time for transition, I no longer miss the round guages at all. I can find everything I need and the alarms help as well.
