Thanks for the quick reply:
I am sorry that I put this question in this thread, I thought it was the suggestions area and so started here.
Yeah, you are right, I find that when the round gauges are covered up, students adapt reasonably quickly to the D100 because they have nothing else to look at.
And personally, I prefer flying with an EFIS over round gauges. It is a pity the rest of the aviation world is not there yet. They don't kow what they are missing out on!
My thinking behind having a six pack round gauge display in an EFIS is for the following reasons.
Firstly, there would be no more mechanical instruments - just an EFIS - which after many thousands of hours I have found to be extremely reliable. Less wieght, greater reliablity!
Secondly, students who learn with an EFIS only equipped aircraft wouldn't miss out on understanding round gauges. So that when they go to fly an aircraft with only round gauges they would adapt more quickly. And as they progress on to Commercial that is still more common anyway.
Thirdly, is from a point of view of converting more people over to glass panel EFIS. When changing from one way of doing things to a new way people are risk averse! If there is no risk for someone to change then they are more likely to enterain changing.
I am ordering a New Flight Design CTMC for my flying school this week. And will be ordering a CTLS in 6-8 months.
I can choose having a D100 with EMS 120 plus round gauges or a Skyiew.
If the Skyview had a six pack round gauge display, I would order that. For me then, there would be no risk!
My customers that feel at home with round gauges could still have them. And the younger customers can have an EFIS. And we might convert the round gauge fans into EFIS fans with a touch of a button.
Anyway, as you said it is a low priority on Dynon's list.
I guess the upshot is I will be ordering the CTMC with a D100 and EMS 120 plus round gauges.
Ok, thanks.
Have a great day.
Reddy Eddy