G430W Setup question


Active Member
Mar 3, 2008
I have a Garmin 430W connected to my SkyView ARINC429 input as well as my Serial port #4 and I want it to be my GPS1 source. When I go to the SERIAL PORT SETUP it gives me two options for the G430W, GPS1 - ARINC-429 1 / INPUT 1 as well as GPS2 – SERIAL PORT #4. If I select GPS1 - ARINC-429 1 / INPUT 1 the selection turns red but If I select GPS2 - SERIAL PORT #4 the selection stays white.

Am I doing something wrong? Is it supposed to be red until the G430W is outputting data to the ARINC-429 module or do I have to set it as GPS2 - SERIAL PORT #4 for it to work?



Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
But, generally, red means an invalid selection, usually because some other device setting is colliding with the setting. In that page in particular, you're mapping the ARINC device/channel to SkyView's internal GPS/NAV naming scheme. So the selections with names are ones that are already assigned.

In your current / what I think you're proposing scheme, you're going to have TWO GPS sources on your HSI - one for the ARINC side and one for the serial side of your connections. You really don't need to do this, but it doesn't really hurt anything either. Are you worried about retaining some 430 guidance if the ARINC connection went away. If you keep this scheme, make sure you don't confuse the serial and ARINC sources. If you want to go this route, we'd recommend the following:

Serial settings
SV-GPS-250 or -2020: POS 1
Serial 4: GPS 2
ARINC Settings
INPUT 1/2 (whichever is the GPS side in your setup): GPS 1
(or flip the GPS 1 and two above).

BUT, if what you're really looking for is one HSI source for the 430W, you want...

Serial settings
SV-GPS-250 or -2020: POS 1
Serial 4: POS 2
Arinc Settings
INPUT 1/2 (whichever is the GPS side in your setup): GPS 1

But, even this is a bit overkill (but still doesn't hurt anything). SkyView will already fail down to the 430W for the primary GPS source over the ARINC connection if the -2020 or -250 goes away. So that brings you down to:

Serial settings
SV-GPS-250 or -2020: POS 1
Serial 4: no need
Arinc Settings
INPUT 1/2 (whichever is the GPS side in your setup): GPS 1


Active Member
Mar 3, 2008
This makes sense, THANKS. I currently have your #1 example as my setting.

Serial settings
  SV-GPS-250: POS 1
  Serial 4: GPS 2
ARINC Settings
  INPUT 1: GPS 1

I know it is a bit overkill but since the capability is available I might as well connect it up.
