
New Member
Jun 2, 2006
Port Townsend, WA
Is there something in the works that will allow OBS function on the GNC420/GNS430 to operate as it would if a conventional indicator (i.e KNI520) was installed with a Garmin GNC420 , SL-30?
In a dual D10A installation does the info from the EDC-D10A flow through the DSAB to be shared by both indicators? Thanks for any info.


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
On both, the GNC420/GNS430 as on the SL30 you can actually twist the OBS, what is in my opinion a much more convinient way than entering it trough the toggle switches.

;) the way, on "real" aircraft the OBS in most cases isn't set on the HSI either. In many cases it's on the glareshield on the A/P panel or on the pedestal, so somewhere you probably will have your avionics installed. Just as it would be heavy iron....    ;)

Kind regards



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Yes, but this will be an additional cost item. There's no way to set the OBS on a 430 over serial, but that's not really relevant since there's no way to talk to the NAV on a 430 over serial either. This item will fix both.

The data will also be shared between all instruments in your plane with this add-on.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We will be showing this at Sun N Fun and should have a shipping date then. We don't have a shipping estimate at this time.

As an FYI, we're pretty much fully compatible with a 420, since we can read the GPS no problem. It's only the NAV on the 430 that requires the additional interface. Since the 420 has no NAV receiver, just the connection to the GPS is needed, and this is supported today.

Be aware that an EHSI auto-sets the "OBS" when hooked to GPS, so no OBS is needed at all on a 420. You only need to set the OBS/course when you are on a VOR/ILS, or when you are using a mechanical CDI / HSI that can't auto-set anything.


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
Be aware that an EHSI auto-sets the "OBS" when hooked to GPS, so no OBS is needed at all on a 420. You only need to set the OBS/course when you are on a VOR/ILS, or when you are using a mechanical CDI / HSI that can't auto-set anything.

I kindly disagree: There is absolutely a need to set an OBS on the GPS. Whenever a specific course to a WPT is needed, the OBS has to be set. This could be the RWY track in order to intercept the final approach course, this could be a specific course in order to circumnavigate something and many, many more. But still, this can be set on the 420/430 itself, if no external CDI is hooked up.

I also do sincerly hope, that the HSI presentation read from the 430 gets more stable with the next firmware release. It's just true, that the HSI is perfectly stable with the handhelds, but not that much with the panel mounts. I had a GNC25XL hooked up, now a completely new installation with a GNS430 and there ARE still the dropouts. But I don't want to loose to many words on it, as I guess Dynon is aware about it.

Kind regards

Thomas ;)


Active Member
Mar 23, 2005
Tucson, AZ

Regarding the dropouts on the Garmin panel mount units, I just had my GNS430 upgraded to WAAS. This upgrade includes a faster processor that updates the output 5 times a second instead of once a second. With this new upgrade I no longer get any "dropouts" on the HSI. It appears that for some reason, on the non-WAAS panel mount units that they occasionally fail to send a position message to the Dynon HSI, and this is what is causing the momentary dropouts. I just wanted to point out that the problem may be in the Garmin units and not in the Dynon HSI.

Mel Jordan