GPS and Nav options to replace a 430


New Member
Aug 21, 2010
I'm currently using a D180, D100, and HS34 connected to a GNS430 and GTX327. When I first designed the panel, I wanted to be IFR approach capable, but these days, I'm not really feeling like I need that capability. I'm looking at the resale prices of the 430, and thinking that I can probably still sell it for what I paid for it, but I doubt that will always be the case. I'd like to consider pulling out the 430 and replacing it with a VFR capable GPS, and a NAV COM. I'd like for these to still be able to display HSI information on the Dynon units. I'd also like to try and keep ILS capability. Can anyone recommend good replacement units to consider that would meet these criteria?


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
Any of the SL30, the newer garmin GTR series NAV/COMs, the GTN and GNS series GPS/NAV/COMs, the Avidyne IFD440 and 540, the VAL NAV 2000 can all be used for ILS capability via either serial or ARINC (depending on the device).