GPS connection to transponder


Oct 26, 2008
dallas tx
The FAA recently published its amended rule making on ADS-B out. When will we be able to connect the GPS to the Transponder


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We expect to have a software update that makes the transponder fully compliant with the newest ADS-B rules by the middle of this year. The update will be part of a normal SkyView release that will update the transponder automatically.

The only GPS that will work to make you fully compliant with the rule is a Garmin 430W or 530W, and depending on the age of your 430W/530W you may need to send it in for a software upgrade, since the data required to meet the ADS-B rules was not put out in the original versions of the units.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The Dynon GPS already hooks to the ADS-B transponder. The GPS goes in to the SkyView and the SkyView passes this to the transponder. This works today.

However, the Dynon GPS is not a TSO'd GPS, and the ADS-B mandate requires a WASS TSO'd GPS. Thus, if you have a TSO GPS, you hook that into the Transponder direct so that the data is never intercepted by a non-TSO device (SkyView). The ADS-B requirements need more data from the GPS than many devices output, so the only TSO'd GPS we know of that can meet the requirements today are the G430/530 (and some expensive standalone devices that cost as much or more than a 430).

We do report position over ADS-B using any GPS we have today, but this is broadcast as a "low integrity" GPS position and is only used for advisory purposes. This is quite useful today as it will let other planes see you and will let you receive ADS-B services, but by 2020 you will need a TSO'd GPS on board. Hopefully there will be a bounty of affordable devices in the next 9 years.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
What about the Garmin 480? It is a TSO's GPS and has always been WAAS. This is the reason Garmin bought the company which produced it in the first place.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
That it's TSO'd is only part of the equation. Even the 430W, with all of its continuous updates that make it such a compelling product for the IFR market, will need a software update (recently released, I think, but we've heard it's at least in the works) before it can output all of the right info so that an ADS-B out device like our transponders can consider it a high integrity enough source*.

So given the 480 is now pretty much an orphaned product, I would guess it won't be updated to support all of the right bits of data. That's really a better question for Garmin though.

*Our transponder will need update - date TBD - before it can both understand the new 430W data output and turn it into an ADS-B signal that meets the new FAA rules for ADS-B OUT.