The Dynon GPS already hooks to the ADS-B transponder. The GPS goes in to the SkyView and the SkyView passes this to the transponder. This works today.
However, the Dynon GPS is not a TSO'd GPS, and the ADS-B mandate requires a WASS TSO'd GPS. Thus, if you have a TSO GPS, you hook that into the Transponder direct so that the data is never intercepted by a non-TSO device (SkyView). The ADS-B requirements need more data from the GPS than many devices output, so the only TSO'd GPS we know of that can meet the requirements today are the G430/530 (and some expensive standalone devices that cost as much or more than a 430).
We do report position over ADS-B using any GPS we have today, but this is broadcast as a "low integrity" GPS position and is only used for advisory purposes. This is quite useful today as it will let other planes see you and will let you receive ADS-B services, but by 2020 you will need a TSO'd GPS on board. Hopefully there will be a bounty of affordable devices in the next 9 years.