GPS Link



Lots of questions :)

I've read a lot out the future GPS link... What is in the pipelines? Will it be used just to calculate wind information, or will it be a full GPS with simulated VOR's, airport information and route-planning?

Will it be a separate screen altogether, or will it just be a black box that will plug into the Efis, which will display everything? If it's just a black box, any ideas on the protocol that will be used? ie NMEA or will it be a Dynon-specific one?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Etienne,

In the pipeline is the ability to connect our products to an external GPS receiver that you provide. We are still working on exactly what information we will be able to pull from the GPS data streams, but it will be along the lines of winds aloft information and related basic metrics. Since the EFIS will not have a full database itself it will not be able to offer simulated VOR's, airport information, and route planning. We MAY have the ability to generate some basic HSI information, but this depends on what data GPS units publish via their serial outputs.

Beyond this basic functionality, we do not have anything further to announce at this time.


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
I am really hot about the track infromation on the EFIS and for sure the wind  informations. Is there already any planning when it should be released, as for example Sun & Fun? How do you plan to present the wind? My favourite is the classic wind arrow.
Thanks for your kind information and best regards

Thomas ;)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
No firm date yet, and we have not finalized how the data will be displayed.

I like the wind arrow too though :)

Bill Denton(Guest)

Based on target market, equipment popularity, and realistic implementation possibilities, here is what I would suggest for a GPS/CDI/HSI implementation and display:

Two RS-232 inputs, supporting the following formats: NMEA 0183 (Handheld GPS Units), Garmin AVIATION (Most Garmin Panel Mount Units), Garmin MAPCOM (GNS 480), and SL 30 Serial Out (Garmin SL 30 NAV/COM). This would allow for a NAV SOURCE selection of GPS1/GPS2, NAV1/NAV2, or GPS/NAV, depending upon what equipment is installed.

Two RS-232 outputs, which, via softkeys on the Dynon display, would allow selection of the desired radials on the Garmin units which offer NAV capabilities.

I would envision two separate display screens, one overlaid on the "main" attitude and heading screen, and a second HSI screen, available as either a full-screen display or as part of a split-screen display. The information displayed on each screen would vary depending upon the selected nav source. Here are the display combinations I would suggest:

Overlaid on the "main" attitude and heading screen, you would see Standard CDI "dots" across the bottom of the screen, above the "ball", and standard CDI glideslope "dots" along the left side of the screen, just to the right of the AOA indicator.

- GPS nav source: Assuming a loaded flight plan or direct-to, a triangle or small vertical bar would indicate horizontal deviation. Elsewhere on the screen, in magenta letters, the word "GPS" (with a "1" or "2" in dual GPS installations) indicating the nav source, the ID of the current "TO" waypoint, bearing and distance to the waypoint, and groundspeed would be displayed. Crosstrack and/or wind information might also be displayed somewhere on the screen. If there was no flight plan or direct to, there would be no CDI deviation indicator, the words "NO WAYPOINT" would appear below the nav source indication, and only the nav source and groundspeed would be displayed.

- NAV radio nav source: If the selected VOR/ILS was in range, a triangle or small vertical bar indicating horizontal deviation would be displayed, and if the glideslope was active, a triangle or small horizontal bar indicating vertical deviation would be displayed. Elsewhere on the screen, in green letters, the word "NAV" (with a "1" or "2" in dual NAV installations) indicating the nav source, the selected frequency or decoded VOR/ILS identifier (if available), and selected radial would be displayed. If the VOR/ILS was not in range, there would be no horizontal deviation indicator, and the word "FLAGGED" would appear in the area where the nav source, frequency, and radial info are displayed.

On the HSI screen, you would see the standard HSI compass rose, along with the standard pointer containing the horizontal and vertical CDI "dots" in the standard "cross" configuration.

- GPS nav source: The pointer would be colored magenta. Assuming a loaded flight plan or direct-to, the compass rose would be rotated to indicate the bearing to the currently selected waypoint, and the horizontal deviation indicator would be displayed. Elsewhere on the screen, in magenta letters, the word "GPS" (with a "1" or "2" in dual GPS installations) indicating the nav source, the ID of the current "TO" waypoint, bearing and distance to the waypoint, and groundspeed would be displayed. Crosstrack and/or wind information might also be displayed somewhere on the screen. If there was no flight plan or direct to, the compass rose would be "parked" in a standard direction, there would be no indicator on the CDI dots, the words "NO WAYPOINT" would appear below the nav source indication, and only the nav source and groundspeed would be displayed.

- NAV radio nav source: Assuming the selected VOR/ILS was in range, he pointer would be colored green. The compass rose would be rotated to indicate the currently selected radial, the horizontal deviation indicator would be displayed, and if the glideslope was active, the vertical deviation indicator would be displayed. Elsewhere on the screen, in green letters, the word "NAV" (with a "1" or "2" in dual NAV installations) indicating the nav source, the selected frequency or decoded VOR/ILS identifier (if available), and selected radial would be displayed. If the VOR/ILS was not in range, there would be no horizontal deviation indicator, and the word "FLAGGED" would appear in the area where the nav source, frequency, and radial info are displayed.

For Gamin units with both GPS and NAV capabilities, annunciation of the status of the CDI Selection should be provided below the "nav source" indicator with the pointer and lettering in magenta when the CDI "GPS mode" is active, and in green when the CDI "NAV mode" is active.

In installations where the #2 nav source is a NAV or GPS/NAV unit, a second bearing pointer and associated information colored blue might be provided.

Hopefully, this will be useful to Dynon, and provide a starting point for discussion among the other posters here...

Doug Dodson(Guest)

Bill Denton described the gold plated version, the whole horizontal situation. I think that is a major piece of what is truly necessary for a full featured "glass cockpit". Of course, BMA offers many of these features, but much of the functionality is still not mechanized well or functions improperly.

Baby steps are justified if it keeps the device robust in functionality. The first baby step would be simple CDI and GS needles on the current vertical situation. That replaces another entire instrument (extenal indicator) for a third party navigator box. One or more annuciators will also be necessary.

Build me that and I'll buy one. Add everything Bill describes and I'll buy two and get rid of my backup AI, ASI and altimeter.

Doug Dodson
Glasair IIS-FT
Flight Test Engineer


Ditto what Doug said. Make it reliable before adding too many bells and whistles. However, providing a CDI display and annunciator that can interface with a GPS and NAV would be excellent. That would eliminate the need for a $1500 instrument.


I totally agree with the go slow approach and I'm sure you will sell a bunch. I'm still a little leery of putting too much into one box. Over intergration of too many functions can lead to too much complexity and resultant loss of confidence. Take the baby steps very carefully!!! CDI for CDL/ILS/GPS then HSI for VOR/LOC/ILS/GPS.


New Member
Feb 21, 2006
FASY,Johannesburg,South Africa
Well, one fairly easily implementable "step one" addition would be to auto-set the hdg bug using the waypoint list and current position sentences from the NMEA stream ($GPWPL for the waypoints, and $GPRMC for current position). These sentences are implemented by nearly all the GPS's, even my 10 year old Garmin GPS92.

On a tougher more technical note, what would the GPS stream connect to? The NMEA protocol requires anything down the 9600bps, whereas the serial port on the efis is sitting at 115200. Is there another serial input that can be used or implemented in the DSAB?

I really like the way this is going :)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We probably won't auto-set the heading bug, but the bearing to waypoint will be displayed with its own icon (basically this is what you are asking for; it will just be a different symbol than the heading bug).

Internally, our serial ports can be configured for different baud rates.


New Member
Apr 22, 2006
Milano, Italy
Any hint on what other GPS functions would be supported by listening to the NMEA stream?

I would take that Zulu time would be a good candidate (with local timezone support in the firmware), I would hope that wind velocity can be derived by using GPS track and ground speed versus airspeed and heading, and then?

Inquiring minds want to know... ;D

And now the most difficult question... any ETA for all this?

Bye, Luca


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
Is there GPS link feature already available in EFIS D100A? How could I learn the wiring tips?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Please read this thread:

It's all about our Oshkosh announcements. GPS link will come out in searly September.

Here's how to wire it in to your system before the firmware is released: