Hello Dynon


New Member
Jul 10, 2006
Hi Guys :)
Ok so I have a D-100 I want to upgrade the panel to IFR, I am thinking I can add a 430W and a DigiflightII autopilot. I have a SL40.. question is do I need a separate Nav head or will my D100 take VOR/ILS from the 430? Or do I need to swap the SL40 for a SL30 to get a glideslope on my D-100.
I would like to just be able to add the 430W and a AP, and just trying to figure out if I need to add a SL30 or a separate nav head to have it work
Thanks very much for your time
Kirk RV-8


New Member
Aug 9, 2007
The D100 should work fine, though you will need the HS34 expansion module to accept the ARINC I/O from your 430W. I installed a 430W in my RV8, along with a D10A, HS34, Dynon autopilot, and AP74. The combination works great in IFR. I installed the D10A with its primary function as an HSI for my 430W. The D10A works very well with all outputs from the 430W (CDI and GS). I have a second Nav radio with its own nav head (CDI and glideslope). When flying an ILS or localizer approachs with the AP, I set the D10A Nav source to GPS (the AP follows this), but I monitor the LOC and GS on the other Nav head. This seems to work well, plus the AP is all set up to fly the missed approach as soon as you reach the MAP and press SUSP on the 430W. Without a second Nav radio, you would want to leave the AP in HDG mode, and use VOR (ILS/LOC) as the Nav source for your D100 during the approach.



New Member
Jul 10, 2006
Great Thank You Alan!! Sounds like the 430W would work great to start with the possibly adding a second nav radio later Thanks!!!


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Hi Kirk,

To be explicitly clear, without the HS34 you will NOT get vertical steering information for a precision GPSS approach. I THINK a serial connection for the VOR/LOC/ILS will give you both course and steering; however, there is something goofy about "scaling" (e.g. the needle should get more sensitive as you get closer on the ILS/ switch from VOR to ILS, but without ARINC you will need to manually change scale).

You can also hook up the analog lines for the HSI (yuck! lots of wires) but you will not have any knobs for setting course, heading, or altimeter without the HS34.

Finally, if you wait until later to get the HS34 you will have to re-wire what you wired previously.

What I'm trying to tell you (so you don't have to kick yourself later) is that if you're going to dish out the money for a 430W, you are being penny foolish not to go ahead and get the HS34.





New Member
Jul 10, 2006
Thanks Bill!
I have already surmised I will be getting the HS34 :)
Now I just need to save the pennies Thanks!!


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
To be explicitly clear, without the HS34 you will NOT get vertical steering information for a precision GPSS approach. I THINK a serial connection for the VOR/LOC/ILS will give you both course and steering; however, there is something goofy about "scaling" (e.g. the needle should get more sensitive as you get closer on the ILS/ switch from VOR to ILS, but without ARINC you will need to manually change scale)

With a 430, the only thing coming out of the serial ports, period, is the GPS information (and without the fancy auto-scaling that comes with the ARINC data (see your 430 manual for a description of this)).

You need the HS34 to get ANY VOR/LOC/ILS data out of the 430, as well as any vertical guidance.

You can also hook up the analog lines for the HSI (yuck! lots of wires) but you will not have any knobs for setting course, heading, or altimeter without the HS34.

The HS34 also has the analog connections built into it (though at this point we've discovered that due to hardware incompatibilities, the analog connections are not very useful, and are not recommended)

What I'm trying to tell you (so you don't have to kick yourself later) is that if you're going to dish out the money for a 430W, you are being penny foolish not to go ahead and get the HS34.

If you have a 430 and want to get the most out of it with your Dynon, you really do want the HS34. We basically built the HS34 for the 430.