High oil pressure reading with Kavlico sensor


I love flying!
Aug 5, 2016
We have a O-360-A1D, Skyview HDX, and Kavlico oil and fuel pressure sensors. During the pre-oil cranking and the first two engine runs, the oil pressure continued to rise until it went off scale high (>150 psi), resulting in a red X over that widget. After cranking/engine run was complete, pressure gradually decreased until red X disappeared. For the second engine run, we attached a mechanical pressure gauge to the sensor block and it indicated normal (60 psi) at 1000 rpm. After the red X went away, a crosscheck of pressure shown by the widget vs. the mechanical gauge indicated that former remained almost exactly ten times the latter as pressure bled down. Electrical continuity from the Kavlico terminals to the EMS D37 is good, as is the ground, and the sensor is getting 5V. Fuel pressure read normal. Could there be something in the sensor definition file or ? that is causing the oil pressure to read 10x too high? Suggestions?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The first question is whether this is a new installation, or a problem that cropped up in a plane that has been flying for a while.

It is unlikely to be the sensor definition file, unless you did something to change them.

Please contact our tech support directly, to get troubleshooting help and perhaps a return of the sensor.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
Try double checking that you picked the correct Kavlico sensor in the Settings. Different Kavlico sensors are made for carb fuel pressure (normally 5 PSI max), fuel injection fuel pressure (normally 50 PSI max) and the oil pressure (150 PSI max). The sensor you installed for your oil pressure will have the part number on it. Make sure it matches the Kavlico snesor you picked in Settings. Easy and quick check.


I love flying!
Aug 5, 2016
Yes, thanks. Turns out that during installation we reversed the fuel and oil pressure sensors. They look identical, but the tiny stamped numbers on the Kavlico sensor body end with a xxxx-1 for the 0-15 psi fuel pressure sensor and a xxxx-6 for the 0-150 psi oil pressure sensor. We learned also that one needs to make sure that in sensor mapping the correct sensor is selected; there are two 0-150 sensors on the pull down menu and Kavlico is near the bottom.