
Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
It has long been our philosophy to deliver features that are well documented, tested, and useful. On this feature, we didn't nail the documentation, and we'll improve it.

We also have try to approach features - especially those where you can imagine different versions with varying levels of complexity and utility - as ones that we can build on over time. In the past, we've sat on features that weren't the most complete version that we could imagine, and then have turned out being wrong to boot. So these days, we're trying to deliver smaller features, see how they're received, and grow them in the directions that the market desires. And we explicitly use you guys - our customers - to help guide where we might build on features to make them as good as they can be.

In the case of HITS, the original version was slated to be SkyView flight plans at the altitude bug, with no vertical guidance. You could reasonably argue that this is the feature-set we should've initially released. It would've been simpler to explain and understand, and it wouldn't any IFR navigators

Along the way to v15 way - as SkyView's VNAV features were being improved - we realized that we could add that guidance to HITS at the same time without much additional development. Same for the lateral guidance from external IFR navigators. The vertical guidance from those have additional technical complexity, so that didn't make it in. So we ended up in a bit of an awkward place here - as some of you have pointed out - and the documentation issues exacerbated it. So sorry again for that confusion.

All that to say - thanks for your feedback here!


Dynon thank you for your reply and the insight into what happened in the development of hits for V15. Please don't think for a minute that I am displeased with my Skyview system. It is an awesome piece of equipment and I marvel every time I fly with it. My only complaint was that without disclosure of the current limitations of hits and proper documentation a customer would probably assume it was fully featured and follow an IFR navigator, just like the pretty sales pictures described. That assumption could easily have led to disaster if I had not flown several approaches VFR prior to using it in the clouds. Anyway I'm hoping the developers are working to bring this feature to maturity as it would be a great tool to have in the IFR environment.