HS34 Functionality


New Member
Nov 10, 2005
My question concerns the HS34 and the consequences of an electrical power failure. If a panel with a Garmin 496 (which has an internal battery backup) that is hooked directly to the D10A (which has an internal battery backup) experiences total electrical failure, both of these units would continue to work, with the 496 delivering navigation data to the D10A HSI. What happens when the 496 is connected to the D10A thru the HS34 and the aircraft experiences electrical failure. Does the navigation signal pass thru the HS34 to the D10A, allowing the HSI to function? If not, is there a way to power the HS34 from the D10A internal battery? Thank you.

Roger Johnson
Long EZ N34JR


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Anything connected to the HS34 will be "lost" as a source to the EFIS if the HS34's power fails. Since the design goal for the HS34 was to connect to devices such as the 430, there wasn't much purpose to backing up the HS34, since the 430 power will fail too. You can't hook the HS34 to the EFIS battery in any way.

Your best bet if you feel like you need the display of the 496 on the EFIS even when the power fails is to hook the 496 direct to the EFIS as well as the HS34. If the HS34 goes off line, the EFIS will use the 496 local connection.


New Member
Nov 10, 2005
Thanks for the quick reply. That's a good solution. I was under the impression that the when an HS34 was connected to the bus, the Nav inputs could no longer be connected directly. Is there any downside to using your suggestion?

Roger Johnson
Long EZ N34JR


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Great idea - however, the manual states that you CANNOT hook up the 496 to the EFIS if you are using the HS34.

Too, you (DynonSupport) suggest that you hook up the 496 to BOTH the HS34 and the EFIS - I find this confusing! Why would you set up both connections? Is it so you can use the 496 when the HS34 IS still working?

Please clarify...


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
When the HS34 is connected, the EFIS ignores the local serial port. So you can't hook the 496 only to the EFIS and expect it to work if you have an HS34. Just like the manual says.

The question was: "How do I make the 496 still work when the HS34 fails?"

Well, when the HS34 fails, the EFIS stops using the HS34 ports and looks to the local ones. The 496 is hooked up local, so it sees it and can use it.

You must hook it up BOTH places if you want it to work this way. It will use the 496 via the HS34 the 99.9999% of the time that the HS34 is working, but if the HS34 fails, it can use it off the local port.


New Member
Jul 27, 2007

Could we get you to add that explanation into the manual for your next update release? Lots of folks might find it useful to understand that they can wire up an "electrical out" failsafe.



Jan 20, 2008
Alexandria, VA
OK, I hope this is a silly question, and not my inability to read. I just installed the EMS-D10, EFIS-D10A and the HS34. The D10 and D-10A recognize each other via the DSAB no problem. The HS34 is not recognized. Instructions say to make sure all are on. My silly question - how do you turn on the HS34?

I am hoping that I missed something. BTW, the D10 and D10 look great!! Tim


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
There is no on/off on the HS34. If it has power, it will be on.

You can tell if it has power and is on since all the lights will light up (the knobs and buttons are backlit, and the NAV/GPS lights will be on). Once it is talking DSAB, the lights will go off.

If you have all the lights on, and the DSAB wires properly connected, and you still aren't getting a connection, you may need to update the software in the HS34. Some of the earlier HS34's managed to make it out of the factory with the wrong software. You can either update it yourself via the RS-232 connection, or you can send it to us to have it updated.

Those are the main things I can think of. Let us know how it goes.


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Sir dummy here again. Tried to follow your advice about hooking up the 496 to both the HS34 and D180, but got stymied by which wires I am using. I am referring to the documentation on your wiki for the HS34.

On the Garmin cable, I identified the green and blue wires fine. We can infer that on the Garmin unit Blue = Tx and Yellow = Rx based on what they hook up to on the HS34.


- Is it necessary to independently hook up a "Serial 1 ground" between them, or is the master ground for each sufficient if they go to a common grounding point?
- If the ground is necessary, where should it come from (which wire) on the Garmin?

Next, page 2-4 of the FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide shows the pin layout for the D-25 Female connector. Serial 1 on my pre-wired harness from Stein includes the 9 pin connector for software updates.


- Can I just make a 9-pin Male serial connector and attach to my Stein cable, or is the cable too long?
- Do I need to hook up the "serial 1 ground wire," and if so where should that come from on the Garmin unit?
- The diagram shows a Serial 2 Tx and a Serial 2 Gnd, but no Serial 2 Rx - is there one? Where?
- If all Serial 2 wires are identified, is it preferrable to use Serial 2 for this purpose (total power loss, running on 496 and Dynon on battery power) or Serial 1?




Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
With a D180, split the GPS TX line (Garmin's blue) to pin 19 on the D37 connector. No disconnects or anything required when doing updates. If the HS34 works with your 496, you don't need to hook up a separate ground.

This is all from page 4-6 on the D180 install guide, but is admittedly kind of dense.


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
With a D180, split the GPS TX line (Garmin's blue) to pin 19 on the D37 connector. No disconnects or anything required when doing updates. If the HS34 works with your 496, you don't need to hook up a separate ground.

This is all from page 4-6 on the D180 install guide, but is admittedly kind of dense.

Ok, so I ONLY need the Tx line from the Garmin split to go to the D180, no Rx or Gnd.

The HS34 still wires both Tx and Rx per the wiki? Or is the Rx irrelevant?

Piece of cake - I will also update the HS34 wiki page to add this as a note.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The RX isn't used for the X96's, so you can actually skip hooking it to the HS34 if you want. We might be able to send stuff to the 496 in the future, which is why we suggest hooking it up.

The EFIS/EMS/D180 doesn't have an output port to hook to the 496 so this will never happen there.


Jan 20, 2008
Alexandria, VA
I feel better knowing that I did not miss the part about the " to turn on the HS34......". Thanks.

I spent the day at the airport trying to figure out the problem. Well I did. I hired an avionics tech to connect the wires to my GNS-430. He did not read all the instructions and wired it backwards.

Fixed that one, now have another!!

He fixed the pins and it lit up (very pretty colors on the HS34), for a brief period. Once I hooked up the DSAB wires (I have a EMS-D10, and EFIS-D10A), configured the system - it recognized all units. Then the HS34 powered off. I disconnected the HS34 from the DSAB wires, and it stayed on. I then turned off the power, connected the DSAB wires, powered each device, and when the EFIS-D-10A came on, about four seconds later, the HS34 powered off???

I have the HS34 hooked up to a separate 1 Amp breaker, the EFIS-D10A to a 2 Amp breaker, and the EMS-D10 to it's own 2 Amp breaker.

Your assistance in this mystery is greatly appreciated. Tim

Cozy N923AC


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
As it said in the first post "Once it is talking DSAB, the lights will go off."

It sounds like everything is fine.

Once it talks DSAB, the HS34 shuts off the lights. Why? To save power. When it's super bright out, no reason to have the lights on. You can check to see if it is working by going into the DIM menu on the EFIS and pressing DIM a few times. Once you are down a click or two, the HS34 lights will come back on and dim with the screen. You can also put dimming on "Auto" and put your finger over the dim sensor.

Once you have your sources set up, the NAV or GPS light will be on for the given source, but when you first run it, there's no source so no lights are on.


Jan 20, 2008
Alexandria, VA
I just reread your first response, and said to my girlfriend, "Good news, the unit may be working, bad news - I am stupid."

I then just read your new post:

As it said in the first post "Once it is talking DSAB, the lights will go off.

Thanks for the quick response. I think I will just go fly my plane now :)

Seriously, thanks - I feel better!! Tim


New Member
Mar 23, 2005

I didn’t read the bold print at the top of the HS34 pin out and got a mindset that the male D-sub was the one on the harness where it clearly states it is on the HS 34.
Of course it didn’t power up. I mention this just in case, in the unlikely event, there are others out there like me.


New Member
Feb 2, 2009
Plano, Texas
I thought I read somewhere that I'd have to push the value knob on the HS34 before I could change the baro (as a small safety factor to inadvertantly changing the altimeter setting). On my installation, anytime I turn the knob, the baro changes. No "push" is required. Can anyone confirm if this is considered correct operation?



New Member
Jul 27, 2007
I thought I read somewhere that I'd have to push the value knob on the HS34 before I could change the baro (as a small safety factor to inadvertantly changing the altimeter setting).  On my installation, anytime I turn the knob, the baro changes.  No "push" is required.  Can anyone confirm if this is considered correct operation?


Yes, that is correct. I believe (and Dynon usually jumps in when I'm barking up the wrong tree) that pressing the knob will change which function is active for that knob - you'll have to read the manual for full details. I think you can also set what the default behavior is in the menus.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The requirement to press the knob first is something we added in 5.0 software, and it's a user controlled option.

So first, make sure you have 5.0 (or 5.1 which is coming out today). This was not in 4.0. Then go into the HSI option under setup and choose "value knob." "Require press" should be set to yes if you want this behavior.

If you updated from 4.0 or earlier at some point, it will be set to no, since we always default to behavior that was in previous firmware.


New Member
Feb 2, 2009
Plano, Texas
Awesome...... Thanks guys.

The requirement to press the knob first is something we added in 5.0 software, and it's a user controlled option.

So first, make sure you have 5.0 (or 5.1 which is coming out today). This was not in 4.0. Then go into the HSI option under setup and choose "value knob." "Require press" should be set to yes if you want this behavior.

If you updated from 4.0 or earlier at some point, it will be set to no, since we always default to behavior that was in previous firmware.